
Jan 22, 2004 09:15

I am really happy for some reason today. Or maybe just confident. I think I look cute so that kinda helps to my mood. I really do believe in that whole if you look good you feel good it is such the truth. My mom gave me a couple more birthday presents last night so that was exciting. I don't know why I'm in a good mood, maybe cause the day is already going by super fast and I know that tomorrow is friday so the week is almost over. I can't believe how fast things are going by. It is almost the end of January and before I know it it will be the end of May and I will be graduating it is all kinda scary to think about. But I keep a smile on my face today and hopefully it won't get broken. I would hate for something crappy to happen and then me be in a bad mood. yesterday at work sucked, but it was kinda fun cause it was my last day so i had a lot of fun cause i wasn't worried about doing things wrong or getting in trouble. although my manager has been super mean to me since i told her i was quiting she was a complete you know what yesterday but then she left so it was all good. Tomorrow I go to UNT and im sooo excited about that. It will be nice to go live the college life at least for a weekend hehe. I start roadhouse (or get my schedule) on monday so things seem to be going very well for me... knock on wood. this year has been soo great. it seems that everything is going for me. im keeping up my grades, got straight a's first semester and just getting things done. im getting along better with my parents, have a great boyfriend, and although i miss spending time with a lot of my friends they are still there. soo im happy and thankful... smiles....
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