Jan 15, 2004 08:55
SO i am starving... cause i didn't eat breakfast this morning. i keep waking up later and later i dunno why. Maybe cause I go to bed later. But yet I don't feel all that tired during school who knows. I have an interview at Texas Roadhouse today so hopefully that will go ok. and i might go work out tonight i haven't decided yet. im ready for the weekend so i can sleep late that will be nice. except sun i have to work and monday (we have off school) but i have stupid percussion rehersal.. grr.. that sucks but whatever. i have been thinking a lot lately. i don't know exactly what about i just can't figure it out. im kinda just thinking about everything and its really annoying me casue i don't know what i want anymore at all. as far as school goes, what i want to do... all that sort of mess. I just hope next weekend can clear some things up and i just need to be patient i guess in trying to figure out what i want, if im happy and all that. UG im soo confused.. don't like this one bit