My husband has this peculiar trait about him. (Take you mind out of the gutter.) Whenever he hears something that strikes him as funny, he is COMPELLED to repeat it continuously. Sometimes it lasts for a couple of days, sometimes a couple of weeks. Sometimes I think he forgot all about them. Then, he will out of nowhere start laughing to himself and saying the phrase/word again. Now, this might sound endearing; it's not that endearing. Especially with some of the crap that he finds funny. And with the amount of times he repeats the freaking things.
Those of you who know him, here is a warning. His favorite thing is now, "Porkchop sandwiches!" which is followed by blathering sounds.
Some old hall of fame hits, "Rob Schneider's a stapler." Which goes with, "Durp-de-durp. De-durpity, durpity dumb." Another, from Aliens, "They mostly come out at night. Mostly" is usually reduced to: "Mostly." Also, there are lovely things that he grabs from me. Like when I was talking about a roller coaster ride and I said, "That looks scary!"
Having been together long enough, I now do this as well. However, it's with other people. NOT to myself. The favorite at work right now is, "Candy mountain, Charlie! Candy mountain!" By the way, if you haven't seen that video, here's a link. It's bizarre. And totally worth it.
If you don't think it's funny, do me a favor: share it with someone you see regularly and then repeat the good parts to each other.
BTW, I was just browsing moods and thought that, "humpy" was one to chose from.