Новый интересный софт для Palm: Send To Application, Send To Card

Nov 07, 2007 16:17

Появилась информация об интересном софте. Ещё не пробовал, но описание понравилось. Полезные вещицы.

Send To Application is a helper application for the Palm OS “Send To” command. It enables applications supporting the “Send To” command to send data to any application that supports it. For example, you can send text files from your file manager to “Memos”, or vCard files from your file manager to “Contacts”.
Using this method, you can open files in apps which do not support or have problems with storage cards. Furthermore, you are able to open files from file managers which do not support opening files, as long as they support sending files and you have a compatible application which can open them.

Send To Card is some kind of a correspondent to Send To Application. With this tool, apps which support sending files can save them on the storage card. For example, the built-in applications Contacts, Memos, Calendar and Tasks can send vCard, plain-text and vCalendar files.

Additionaly, the built-in applications can send whole categories. If you have not too much categories (I have only one) you can use this feature to backup your databases. And this backups can be read in almost all PIM applications on many operating systems (Microsoft Outlook on Windows, Kontact in Linux etc.).

SendToApplication: http://freewarepalm.com/utilities/sendtoapplication.shtml
SendToCard: http://freewarepalm.com/utilities/sendtocard.shtml

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Plucker URLs 2007-11-05 22:34

freeware, software, palmos

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