Dish/Stirling System

Sep 13, 2009 15:29

12kW solar collector
posted Sep 9th 2009 2:00pm by Jacob Woj
filed under: green hacks, solar hacks
advantages of using more efficient Stirling dishes rather than less efficient solar panels

Unlike conventional photovoltaic (PV) solar cells which register at between 10% and 18% efficiency, dish/Stirling systems are capable of converting around 25% of available energy from sunlight into electricity.

A dish/Stirling system includes two components; the solar dish, which is simply a parabolic mirror or set of mirrors, and a Stirling engine, a closed-cycle engine that operates silently using any heat source. Efficiency for the Stirling engine approaches maximum theoretical efficiency for any engine, known technically as Carnot cycle efficiency.

solar, alternative, energy

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