Shameless! I know

Apr 17, 2005 22:46

I stole it from Mandi but I love doing this kind of stuff

Ten Random Things About Me
10. My Car has no bumper or Radio
09. I have two adopted brothers whom I love to death! haha
08. I cant pay attention to anything- I second that
07. I am hopefully getting a job at Advance at least so I can see Jay before he leaves
06. I work with a bunch of idiots minus maybe 2 people
05. I cant sit still
04. I am not going to school right didn't agree with me
03. I got bit by a dog when I was young
02. I'm moving into a new apartment for 2 months just so I can live somewhere until July
01. I'm Five foot short and loving it

Nine Places I've Visited
09. Seattle, WA
08. New York City, New York
07. Dallas, TX
06. New Jersey
05. Oregon
04. Pennsilvanya
03. Georgia
02. Pigion Forge, TN
01. Northen California

Eight Things I Want To Do Before I Die
08. Visit the Pyramids
07. Go to all the different amusment parks owned by Disney
06. Go to Ireland, Italy, Germany, and Coasta Rica
05. Fall asleep with a person I can live the rest of my life with
04. Live in NJ
03. Raise a family
02. Go to Mardi Gras at least 3 times before I'm old
01. See all of my friends from High School in one place before I can't remember they're names

Seven Ways To Win My Heart
07. Cook for me
06. Give me back massages
05. Make me smile
04. Take a joke
03. Stand up for me
02. Respect me
01. Get along with my friends but not too well just enough!

Six Things I Believe In
06. When Money talks Bullshit walks
05. Stupid/rude people suck but friends are always there to make it better
04. Respect is earned
03. Working can be rewarding
02. Don't plan alot
01. Music can soothe the most troubled soul

Five Things I'm Afraid Of
05. Dark
04. Dead animals
03. Having no one to care for
02. Not having enough money to live

Four of My Favorite Items In My Bedroom (which one?)
04. BED!!
03. Fan
02. Computer

Three Of My Favorite Songs Now
03. Beer for my Horses- Toby Keith
02. Cold- Crossfade
01. Any Metalica I'm not picky

Two Things I Am Trying Not To Do Right Now
02. Smoke
01. Hurt my friends for stupid shit( I mean hurt like slapping, hitting, biting etc)

One Person I Want To See Right Now
01. My mom so I can get a hug and know everything with be alright

I just completly organized the back inventory room at work! I'm proud of myself. It took me 4 hours...I really didn't want to deal with people today, I was just in a bad mood. Tomorrow I get off hopefully early but if not oh well.

Met the new vocalist. He's awesome. Past all my tests and gets along with us. He's got a great voice. And he's 23 which means no problems with bars, thank god!
Bowman and Sean cranked out another song! It's good too!
CJ will be home in 8-9 months thank god!
I'm not the manager but I'm happy.

Moving into a new apartment with Sean and Pete.
Got stuck in the middle of something. I didn't try to I didn't want to it just happened.
Almost done with Jak 3.
I am SO going over to UT to drop off people's Stuff! (I promise Leisha, Nette, and Amanda!)
Bowman's brother is moving down. Yay another one! lol

Alrighty I'm out to go watch a movie with Sean and Bowman! Talk to everyone later
Love always
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