May 19, 2005 08:37
i still am alive.
im doin alright.
i HAD a full time job.
which was goin good.
i had the mosy amazing boyfriend, until i got tired of him!
i still love ya eric! <2
so yeah i got kicked out and im goin to move and go live wit my dad...for real this time.
ill be 18 in october, so then im escapin back up here.
down there i have my CASSIE ASSIE and some cool friends.
the last show i will be attending is this sat at starland.
sum41 and unwritten law.
not the coolest show but shut up.
i went to machine head the otha nite and that was amazing, and PHIL!! <222 ahh i love him
alright fuckers.
peace y0!
x0x Raccoon x0x