June 3, 2007

Jun 10, 2007 01:06

I finally got a day off, so after hitting the PX and commissary, I found an internet center.

I'm at my home for the summer, Camp LeJeune, North Carolina. We've been here since last Thursday night. We spent a few days standing in lines for stuff we didn't get, which was really aggravating for me. Example: last Saturday, we got up at 0530, did PT, went and sat in line for chow. after that, we went to supply and stood in line for gear for about 4 hours. Then we took a break for chow. after chow, we went to the armory and stood in line. for 5 hours. after that we went to chow again. then back to the armory. after about 3 hours we took a break and went to the COC to get meal cards so, at 2330, i got issued my first item of the day. we got through the supply line at about 0130 (they were out of almost everything we were waiting to get though), and got a weapon from the armory at 0230. so a full day wasted standing in lines... yeah.

We spent this week at the rifle range shooting our KD ant CMP quals. KD (known distance) is our Qualification that matters as far as promotions, bragging rights, and whatever. It consists of shooting targets from 200, 300, and 500 yards, and really has no bearing on real life, but it's still fun. I had a bad day on qual day, but I still shot expert - just not as high an expert as i had hoped. We were using new slings, and they forced me to scoot my face really close to the charging handle... all that to say, while i was shooting in the kneeling from 200 yards, my rifle recoiled into my nose and busted it open, so the whole 200yard kneeling and standing, i had blood pouring down my face distracting me... really annoying. So yeah, that's what i blame it on. :-)

So not a whole lot to report on from here, this week was really just a lot of repetition, but whatever...

Prayer requests:

That I'll get along with people, particularly my roommate. He's a good guy, but we're just really different. For example, I can't stand it when people turn on lights or talk on their phone while i'm trying to sleep. He can't stand it when there's stuff in the room that's visible - everything HAS to be in a drawer or closet or hidden somewhere. So just that we'll get along and all that.

Also, for consistency/discipline in Bible reading, that I'd be in the word every day.
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