Jun 19, 2004 23:40
Fireflies, Cicadas, and dragonflies
things i remember from childhood long ago...
all i need is a straw hat and insect net
and maybe i can pretend i'm a little girl again
(and someone will just throw me into an asylum and throw the key away ;) )
There are very few things more beautiful than fireflies dancing in the air.
At least it shows there are still nature/clean water because firefly larvae can only survive in clean water. Hopefully the earth would not be paved to allow for the offspring from this summer's cicadas come out 17 years from now.
Just came home from AC, NJ. The 3rd time I've been to NJ this week; 6x in my lifetime, excluding the times i bypassed the garden state on my way to NYC. The first two was march '00 when i visited Princeton U, feb '01 going to Princeton U, this time for a conference, and in '01 to AC to spend thanksgiving with Sammy's family.
Now, the drive from HC to AC is about 70mi. In SoCal, a that's little bit more than from my house to UCI (or OC) using the 426 toll road. Now, considering I never thought twice about going to Rowland (at least 40mi) then stopping by in LA/beach and drive home for a total of 120+ mi drive, why am I so tired by just going to NJ? I used to commute to UCI, 3x/week fighting traffic both way!
I think I am getting old. *sigh*