seems like i only turn to LJ when i need some guidence..
seeking advice: I got into two translation schools.
one is by NHK, the BBC if Japan. I think this is the hardest school to get into. Although NHK is techinically goverment owned, i think this 'language school' arm is one of their ways of earning some cash. (the school also offers classes for public speach, how to loose 'local' accent etc) NHK also have placement system, but mostly freelancing within NHK, although they said the students in the 'pro' course are already working in at other tv stations. I got into one class before the 'pro' class, intro to translation.
another is by private company Simul Academy, who also works as placement agency. Simul is prestigious, suposedly although i've read comments (online) that you don't really get as much job referrels even after you finish their course and 'graduate' as a pro. One friend who went to another school (I think) said Simul, despite its higher tuition (2k/6 month course) is better than NHK because of their job referreal and post-graduation support system. Simul is most likely to place me in one of their top tier class, but i'm waiting to hear the final results.
in nutshell: NHK - about 1000usd for tuition, no or little job referrels/placement, possibly harder class to keep up.
Simul- 2000usd for tuition, they say there are job referrel/job placement as they are also an agnecy (sent them email about that-no reply yet), suposed to be the best for private translation school in business.
advice? comments?
Happy Birthday Einstein! I slute thee with pie.
Here is suprise birthday cake from my co-workers
Phillies and Eagles flavor ice cream from Turkey Hill sold at local market near my hometown. Why? I have no idea