Sep 23, 2008 10:14
.. on the day of the party election (similar to the DNC/GOP caucuses) the news is below the fold
.. the winner is announced on the tabloid the morning of the party election day
.. the big photo above the fold (page 1 news) is about the body found of a little girl in quiet suburbia
.. the next news is about mom arrested after claiming her little boy went missing and then found dead in the park
.. the evening news barely covers the election (TV goes on as ususal)
.. the stockmarket goes up and down in accordance to AIG/Leeman/hedge fund/aquisition/MUFJ news and not on who has been picked.
comming up:
tomorrow: the diet decides who gets to be PM (its Aso but they have to have an election anyway)
monday: the extraordinary session opens. the PM makes his speech. i get to be there! (this is the 3rd time with 3 differnt PMs)