Jun 17, 2007 15:12
met with my friend from elementary that I haven't seen for year and half and had dinner. That was nice catching up on all the news about who got married, who is in med school (yes i went to a school where most kids were children of doctor/nurse/pt/hospital administrator etc. The school had difficulty placing my friend who wanted to be an engineer for shadow day (she ended up shadowing a surgeon and ironcally attending vet school) It was where they let you write on the shadow application form (doctor-Internal med, surgery, obgyn, podietrist etc) This is what happens when this is the only school in a city of population of about 30k with 5 hospitals (including a VA that won the fickle finger of stupidity) and at least 10 nursing homes. The city is known for neonatal heart transplant and cancer treatment.
on a random note, I'm going to a 'coupling party' aka speed dating later today with my co-worker. I have no idea what's going to happen. Its 5000yen for guys and free for the ladies. This is only good because I'm meeting new pepole without beer googles(?)
i dono. will report back on how it went.
on a random note, i like to thank the new york jews for inventing speed-dating (or so I'm told)