Tee hee.

Jul 18, 2007 00:32

Again, sometimes I forget how much I love Caroline Dhavernas - note it's pronounced Carolyn because she's French Canadian.

I mentioned last week that I'd FINALLY got to see Edge of Madness featuring Caroline, Brendan Fehr and Peter Johansson, again another Canadian film. It's about an abused wife (Caroline) in 19th century Manitoba, shows up in the dead of winter, on the "edge of madness" due to the cold (and constant abuse suffered) claiming she murdered her husband (Fehr), but there are conflicting stories about what happened, so Mullen (Johansson) sets out to investigate.

It's almost like a murder mystery just because of the plot, but it's more of a drama, there's a bit of a tragic love story there too. Anyway it's extremely well acted by Caroline - who boasts her adorable French accent, if you've never heard it, you'll get to. You'll also get to hear her sing! Aw, so *very* very cute. She has quite a beautiful voice actually.

She was actually voiced trained to get rid of her accent, she jokes in the Wonderfalls commentary that when it was late and she was tired, the accent would come out, maybe to make it easier to get jobs, as she's worked heavily in Canada. Although, she's adamant on doing Canadian/Indie films, she rarely does much mainstream - although I'd love for her to be more discovered in the States. She does have a small role in Hollywoodland as Adrian Brody's girlfriend. I'm looking it up..and *squee* she's in Breach (haven't seen it yet, but have been meaning to)? She looks so pretty with Ryan Phillipe!! Wow, so she got to have sleep with both David Boreanaz *and* Ryan Phillipe? Hahah. Anyway, what was I saying? Oh I actually thought Brendan Fehr was really good too, he had a very heavy Scots accent, and he was *so* ruthless and horrible - his character that is. I ended up taping it..on VHS because that was what was readily available to me at the moment and I ran upstairs quickly to tape it because it had already started.

The movie isn't bad, it's by no means a work of art, not the most original film to ever be made, but I think to see both Caroline and Brendan's performances are worth it.

Oh yes, and she also had a small role in Out Cold.

Oh right, so back to Niagara Motel. It was odd because they were two movies I've been meaning to watch but it was *very* difficult to get a hold of them ANYWHERE save for probably buying them online, which probably doesn't have that much in stock since they're Indie films. Also I didn't want to buy them before I got the chance to watch them. So, also being a Canadian film, not much chance that I'd be able to find a place to download it :(. So to my surprise, I actually got to see them both in the same week! It's actually running on TMN right now, if you've got it, the next time it airs is on Tues, July 24th, for me it's either 7:45am, or 7pm but I suppose you'll have to check your local listings if you catch TMN.

Anywho, I knew it was going to be this small, quirky film. But I didn't think it would really be a comedy, but I think it's because it's actually more a dark comedy/drama.

This is the description off of IMDB:

In Niagara Motel, a group of struggling individuals cross paths at a low-rent motel in the tourist Mecca of Niagara Falls. The main characters are: a knockout waitress being recruited to star in low budget porn videos, a young couple with a criminal past struggling to recover their child from social services, and a middle class husband and wife in a marriage that is disintegrating in near record time. The story also includes a woeful drunken motel manager (Craig Ferguson), and a prostitute working to support two small children. The needs of these people, their obvious failings and the unlucky conditions of their lives make them so vulnerable that they careen from the disturbing to the hilarious in a breathless instant. In this story, tragedy waltzes with unpredictable comedy in an intense dance of life.

Guess who the knockout waitress, cum (it is actually spelled this way in context, even though I'm hesitating because of...what is IS, but I think that's actually grammatically correct) porn star to be is?! Caroline of course! I saw this and again, completely taken aback about how beautiful she is in this film.

I've seen a sort of mixture of reviews some that absolutely loved it (like me!) and some who thought it was unfunny...I can't really see how. But it has a pretty stellar cast, including Craig Ferguson (when is he NOT funny?), Kevin Pollack and Wendy Crewson which are the big names.

Might I add she also speaks French in this movie, quite a lot because her boyfriend is French and there's a lot of angry French and it's SEXY.

Caroline's eyes are SO SO BLUE in this movie, well...actually that IS what her eyes look like in real life. They're so ocean blue...they're almost hypnotic. I know that sounds SO lama and overdramatic..but ask Joh what happened when she was taking a picture of us when we were at the TFF to see These Girls! Look!

And no, I didn't edit her eyes in any way.

One of the funniest moments, I laughed out loud, thought about it...and then laughed some more.

Caroline: TELL HIM YOU HAVE A FUCKING STAPLER! and then...KP: OW, he fucking STAPLED me!


Sorry I'm babbling, but I'm excited I finally got to see this movie! So I was supposed to dvdr it tonight, but I put the wrong date because it was playing at midnight. So now I shall have to wait until Tuesday to dvdr it. Which reminds me, I shall keep on with my search for more CD pics, she's not mainstream enough to have good galleries dedicated to her.

Eh, going to bed now. Not tired though. Race went well, pb'd again although I don't care that much. I feel like I've lost that competition fire for track, I mean I love the workouts, I really do, it makes me feel strong and good about myself, but I don't really care about racing that much anymore. I think it's because I know I'll never go to the Olympics or anything. Nicole mentioned she thought she was a bit burned out, and I agree, I think I'm burned out of racing. Meanwhile, I'm going to bed now so that I can get up for practice tomorrow lol.

pics, celebs: caroline dhavernas, movies: niagara motel, movies: edge of madness

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