Aw, good ol Buffy.

Mar 13, 2007 00:47

This is my tribute to BTVS - would have done so sooner if I wasn't out of town ( Read more... )

btvs: 10 yr anniversary, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, btvs

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frelling_tralk March 13 2007, 14:06:50 UTC
Ok now for some questions: when did you realize that BTVS was something special, Buffy? B/A (or whatever your fave ship is)? Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine! S/I gutted me. Completely threw me for a loop and I realized that ya this show had it all. Becoming, period. Buffy, Angel, B/A? Masterful. Can you tell that S2 is my all time favourite season?I'd already watched the film, and so I started to watch WTTH, but I was reading a book at the same time, and I got bored and switched it off at around the time of Cordelia being bitchy to Willow. I thought it seemed too much like Sabrina the teenage witch lol. I later was reading the chatterbox page on Ceefax, and someone was writing about B/A love, and I thought that sounded really cool , so I decided to start watching. I watched Inca Mummy Girl, and wasn't very impressed. Then I watched Halloween, and loved the show from then on. Although Spike/Drusilla were what really drew me in at that time I guess, I absolutely loved Dru! I remember watching Lie To Me's teaser with Angel and Dru ( ... )


ba4ever March 13 2007, 14:20:07 UTC
Oh yes the Angel/Dru creepy/perverted history was so great. Spike and Dru were also some of my fave characters then :)

When I think about it the Teacher's Pet graphics weren't considered "bad" back when I watched it in the 90's lol, it wasn't a bad episode at all, by far not the greatest but it was enough to keep me watching. I remember watching another S1 ep and being a little scared - I mean the sort of your heart is racing in anticipation kind of deal, I can't for the life of me remember now what it was? It *might* have been the Puppet Show, because come on, Dummies? EEEEGAADS. But after watching S1 through and through I was hooked :D


frelling_tralk March 13 2007, 14:49:19 UTC

Oh and I introduced my sister to the show with Surprise/Innocene because she likes the romance. And I introduced my friend, who is a little bit pretentious, to the show with Restless (in a good way! Restless is my second favourite episode *g*) And I tried another friend with Doopelgangland, but she didn't get very into it :/


ba4ever March 13 2007, 14:52:28 UTC
You'd think it would be...but I actually think Nightmares is the one ep that I missed over the summer, I didn't get to watch it until much later.


ba4ever March 13 2007, 14:53:29 UTC
You Restless is the type of episode that you really have to watch...multiple times. The first time I watched it I was all WTF JOSS? Where's my season finale? But then I rewatched it a few more times and I absolutely fell in LOVE. Haha, maybe I was too young back then to appreciate the metaphors there.


frelling_tralk March 13 2007, 14:57:28 UTC
I don't think I was ever really scared by a Buffy episode. It's weird because watching Mulder and Scully creep about in the dark with flashlights would on occasion scare the crap out of me during The X-Files *g* But seeing Buffy do the same thing didn't scare me at all. I think Joss mentioned the problem of combining action and horror, and yeah I always kind of watched with the sense that Buffy was in control of her space, so I never did feel really unnerved for her against the monsters

The face appearing at in the window in Hush did make me jump though!


ba4ever March 13 2007, 15:00:59 UTC
I never got into X-Files actually. I think I was just more sensitive back then, I'm so de-sensitized right now that nothing really scares me, my brother thought I was insane when I watched the Ring by myself lol. It just happened to be on TMN so I thought I'd give it a try.

But when I think about it, I can't for the life of me think of how or why on Earth I got scared? But clowns DO scare do ventriloquist who knows? LOL. IF I'd watched Hush back there I'd definitely have been poop-scared though.


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