Aug 19, 2006 23:12

Ok, y'all know I'm leaving for Australia tomorrow, and I always feel the need to make an icon post before I leave. Chances extremely slim that I'll get on the internet, if I do, it'll only to pay my bills, and *maybe* check my email. No guarantees. So..something to remember me by :P

[44]BTVS (incl 2 colourbars and 1 userinfo)
[9]Wonderfalls (1x08 - Lovesick Ass, haha and I'm STILL not done iconing that ep!)
[32]Popular (all from 1x14 - Caged, 4 Leslie Bibb)
[4]Angelina Jolie - for angelina_lims

all here @ _lushkink

tv: wonderfalls, ships: b/a, icons, vacay: australia, celebs: angelina jolie, tv: popular, tv: buffy the vampire slayer

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