IBARW: The return

Jul 31, 2009 21:16

It's International Blog Against Racism Week! Check out ibarw for amazing, thought-provoking, funny and heartbreaking posts. A few highlights, both from IBARW posts and around the web:

It's also Maori language week. I apologize for not knowing the little 'o' character.

An art exhibition of Aboriginal paintings from Papunya, Australia. Amazing stuff.

More amazing art, this time by Yinka Shonibare, born in London to Nigerian parents. Some if it is sort of nouveau-steampunky, most of it is MADE OF AWESOME.

An African-American pastor who's both openly gay and HIV+, and the congregation he serves.

James Baldwin speaks about his life in San Francisco in 1963.

Oyate.org, an organization supporting honest and realistic portrayals of American Indian life and history. They are a wonderful resource, and are also looking for some funds to update their website.

karnythia's posts are generally made of win, and this one on internalized racism is especially thought-provoking.

linkblogging, ibarw

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