Jan 12, 2007 20:25
well i had my first week of winter semester this past week and well it was interesting and should be lots of fun.
my english class is titled introduction to modern fiction, yet our main novel we read this semster is frankenstin, writen in 1831...how the hell is that modern fiction?????????? oh well, the other half the semester is just reading short fiction stories and discussing them in class, should be pretty easy.
consumer behaviours is going to be lots of fun, i'm already onto chapter 8 of one of my books for that class and our big term project thats worth 30% of our grade is a group porject where we have to go to a retail store and obserive customers fora minimum of 10 hours and discribe waht all they do and patterns we see and discuse ways to make the store more effective to bring more people into the store and get them to buy more too, so that should be fun.
organizational theory and design should be pretty fun and eassy too, there is no final and no midterm :) 70% of our marks come from 10 cases where we have to read about firms and disect their organizational problems and give suggestions on how to fix them so the company runs smoother.
painting and drawing should be fun, we get to learn a whole bunch of different techniques and he said that 80% of our grade is going to be on how much effort we put into our work and how well we can talk about the style or methods we used to do the work. so it sould be fun and easy, and well i know two people in that class so that'll be nice becuase i wasn't sure if i'd know anyone going into an art class. the one thing that kind if suprised me for an introduction class is we have nude models, that'll be a little weird at first.
and well hiring and recruiting was cancelled due to the amount of snow that fell so i don't know what that class will be like, but probably dull and boring.
also this week gregg and i went out and had lots of fun in the snow with my truck and his new video camera....we did so many donuts and shit in parking lots and video taped it all, he got some good footage and the one thats so pro where i'm going backwords do a half spin and slide and stop like a few feet from him, looks so cool. he also leaned out the window a ways and got the camera down near the ground which looks really cool too, and you can see all the snow shooting out the back an ya...untill of course the camera got covered in snow, that wasn't cool at all.
susie and i have also been swimming pretty much every day this week and we plan on doing it more next week, which is good that we're getting lots of exericse, but my body has had a good sore feeling lately, but i guess thats a good thing. and well i'm starting to smell like chlorine all the time again, even after i shower.
i beleive thats all for now, or at least anything thats been going on..unless you want me to tell you about the canucks game i went to last weekend,but ya knwo what...no, i've been to so many.
ooh i also had to go get my drivers license renewed today, or well it had to be done before my birthday in 5 weeks and since it can take up to a month to get it back in the mail i figured i should go get it done now so i have it for when i'm in vegas. so hopefully i'll have it by then, the only down fall is its fucking $75 just to renew my license...arg :@
also i got my calander today, fianlly came into future shop, so thats up on the wall now and defiantly looks cool. i don't know why i didn't make myself one last year when i was making kristin one....oh well.
ok i should go get ready for blue ridge now, since i'm supposed to be meeting people ther ein a half hour and it'll take me about 20 mintues to get there.
bye for now <3 wiggins