Meeting mom's new boyfriend

Aug 17, 2012 13:28

In a few hours I'm leaving the calm, quiet woods of Falls PA and heading 'downtown' to stay with my Mom in Pittston. I'm usually most excited to see her, making plans to go out and just sitting around chatting for hours. Yet, she has a new 'boyfriend' of a sort, who she's only known for about 3 weeks now, and rather than making plans With me she's just making plans for him to show up. It's almost as though she's hesitating to say when and where we'll go together because she wants to be sure she's free for her beloved Eric to come meet us. Now we're limited to his schedule, and that's not fucking fair. What if I wanted to go shopping, or stop up Barnes and Noble, or go see a movie with my mom? It seems I can't even suggest anything like that because 'the plan' is for me to meet Eric. Even he feels uncomfortable about it, trying to encourage the mentality that this is supposed to be her time with me and that he shouldn't interfere. Somehow she still doesn't get it. She thinks we only need to worry over him being uncomfortable without; she doesn't realize that the only reason he may be uncomfortable is because he knows I may be uncomfortable. How could she be so ignorant and inconsiderate at times? Why would she ever think that the first and only plan I want to make when spending time with my mother is to meet her new 3-week-old boyfriend?

I really can't help but to be annoyed with this situation. I suppose her reasoning behind it is that she wants me to meet him, to approve of him, so that he could be more involved in her life. And it does matter that she values my opinion and my approval of the man she's dating.

Maybe I'm the one who's afraid of being disappointed or hurt. I don't want to move so quickly with someone she just met. After such a dumb fucking relationship she had with Vince, for such a long, wasted amount of time, I'm not ready to 'settle down' with the idea of another man in my mom's life, especially one who, no matter how often they talk or see eachother, she barely knows. I don't think he deserves to even get my review as of yet. And I don't see why she thinks it's necessary to do so. She's acting very childish; she's way too obsessive and smitten by this man, and her excessive approval of him makes me less eager to meet him, and much more skeptical, as though I need to make up for her naivety.
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