May 09, 2011 10:59
Well apart from being sick as a dog and still not being able to have sick days (thus being at my desk like a good little zombie) I am feeling pretty good after what turned out to be a pretty decent weekend.
Well I missed a few yoga classes over the weekend, I just didn't have the energy for the 3 classes in the two days and nearly fell asleep during the 9:30am Saturday class! Probably am not in the 30 day challenge anymore and this is fine, I can still make the 30 days if I really wish to (with some clever double ups and day swapping) but if I don't thats ok, Im still proud of myself for what I acchieve and am now making this more about me and how many classes I can squeeze in this month.
Got everything else on my list done miraciously. Even found the time and cash to go both Supre` factory outlet (which ended up being crappy) and herb shop to pick up my gift and some more Aroma. They gave me a little gift for all the great publicity I am giving them, gave me a handful of lollypops and my favourite, a vile of Blue Lagoon! How sweet! Also picked up some White Willow Bark Powder as a natural alternative to painkillers to try. Was going to give it to Tracy for her migraines but might end up just using it myself.
Mothers day was suprisingly good. I was in the shits abit with mum Friday night (when I say abit I mean more like alot) because according to Jess she has reverted back to her old habits of stalking me and my friends via facebook. I have already changed the settings on my fb so that mum and any other family and family friends cannot see ANYTHING I post (photos, statuses, links etc) due to her doing this in the past but it seems she has now figured out how to track the comments I make on friend's posts and gotten the wrong idea about a few things. I posted a comment about having a smoke at home (smoke meaning my herbal blend) and she has seen this and gotten on her high horse to Jess about it. Jess stood up for me, explained that it would have been herbal stuff and told her not to say anything to me. She didn't, even when we were alone she didn't bring it up thankfully. I know what I am doing is right and she knows it in her heart too, I don't know where on earth this paranoia has come from. I love my mum but I sometimes think all her time alone at home is making her loose the plot just slightly. I have left the issue for the time being, deleted all suspicious comments and tightened up my privacy on fb even more. It is sad that I have to do this to family but deleting or blocking her would cause way too many issues. At least this way she doesn't even know she has been denied access to my content and just beleives I haven't been posting on fb at all. I have created a second fb page and if need be I will move all my friends to this other page if the issue arises again. I am hoping not.
Oh yes and am not going to royal doof or any other doof for that matter. Found out the whole lot of them are full of acid heads and there is NO security or policing of any kind. I know that SOME people on acid go to these events but I thought there would be at least a handful of drinkers, stoners and herbies, especially seeing as HHH sets up a stall at these things. To find out that everyone is off their trees on acid, ick no thanks. I remember friends when they were on the stuff and they just used to annoy me, it was like dealing with little children! Glad I found out before I wasted my money on tickets. I may be a herbie and a smoker but I am NOT an acid head!
Well had better go, people are getting up my nose today already at work. I cannot wait until I get my business up and running and I can say goodbye to this place, the people and working in an office in general!
royal doof,