My Positive Attributes - Things I Like About Me

Apr 14, 2011 10:13

I like my style and despite trying to be untrendy I often get compliments on the looks I throw together.
I can and have been able to do almost anything I put my mind and full focus to.
I care deeply for animals and the environment in general.
I take great pride in my general health and wellbeing.
I am smart, something I have always been proud of.
I have a man I love who loves me in my life.
I have a wonderful, loving and supportive family that I am close to.
I am NOT addicted to Kronic and other smokable herbs and in the days/ weeks to come I will prove this to myself.
I am the kind of person people just take to and sometimes miss when Im not around.
I quit smoking nearly a year ago.
I pretty much don't do drugs anymore, the occasional night but thats it.
I have almost completely switched coffee for green tea.
I don't drink anymore, have not touched a drink in nearly 2 weeks and hardly miss it.
I have issues but I am finally speaking up and getting help.
I have a decent job and turn up every single day unless genuinely sick now.
I should be proud of myself.
I should stop thinking about/ feeling guilty for the things I don't have.
Why is it so hard at times?
I have written this here so I can keep reading this to myself, reminding myself I AM a worthwhile person and I AM NOT a screw up and even if I do have little issues, habits and bad qualities that is life. No one is perfect, I need to stop striving for perfection and be happy with who I am!

me, love, positive

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