Methinks it's time for a dot point entry today. I lost my entry I did yesterday due to livejournal having issues (thanks alot guys) and I really cbf let alone can even remember what I wrote so short and sweet today:
- Busy as all hell today, end of the month so its all process, process PROCESS. I just spent the last 3.3 hours on the phone to Angela from HO going through redoing a whole bunch of woolies invoices. We managed and now I can move onto my daily processing and get as much up there as I can.
- Bren has gone nuts on herbal highs and I for one am thrilled. He just bought 3 different packs of capsules from and I must say Im very impressed. These capsules look more like an everyday type herbal supplement and definately something I want to include in my range. They are called NXT Generation and there is about 10 in the range, each specialising in a different quality (some give energy, one has serotonin boosters, one is chockers full of vitamins and one makes ya abit horny hehe). So he has 3 of those coming our way, Purple Exploding Happiness (what a wicked name) which is a serotnin booster, Yellow Hyper NRGETIX for energy and Blue Rocket Fuel which is all the high without any hangover apparently. He's so excited about getting his herbs, he is also still waiting for his 50g of Damiana, Nettle and Scullcap to come from medicine garden for his daily teas. I love that I have gotten him so interested in his health and herbs in general, it really has brought us closer.
- Brad from Fastrack is coming by tomorrow night with 2 tix for their gig and I have made him promise to come in for beer aswell.....just so I can say Ive had a beer at home with the lead singer of Fastrack, one of my fave bands haha.
- Hanging out with Jess tomorrow night, not sure what we will do but it will be a small one, maybe well do facials and watch a movie or something, something cheap and easy.
- Got my random day off approved and have now decided I am using the day to go and finally see Taryn & Markus and Markus is going to do my second tatt for me. Yes he isn't officially a tattooist but I've seen his work and know lots of people he has done ink for and only one girl complained of a bleed (or whatever it is that happens when they go too deep or not deep enough) and that was ages ago when he first started. I trust Markus, him and Taryn are what I would consider close friends and honestly it means more to me having a mate do it. He's only charging me $60 for the Om symbol on my wrist where most proper places are $150 min so its alot cheaper which is a plus. Be good just to see them both and hang out too, might steal Taz for abit and take her for some lunch and maybe buy her bubs a pressie since shes not having a baby shower anymore.
Well thats it today!