I was so angry yesterday, have calmed down abit today but still unnerved about the whole situation, all to do with this stupid article I found the age's website:
Read The Article Here Excuse the language but how fucking dare they!
How can you ban a product without having any knowledge of it whatsoever yet alone any evidence that it is causing problems in our society.
Yes a few miners in WA did the wrong thing, mis-used the product despite the warnings that are clearly on the packaging and on the Kronic website but you know what that was WA, here in VIC myself and others I know who use the product do the right thing and if anything Kronic and products like this have helped us stay away from harder drugs and alcohol.
Because of these products I have finally been able to stop my binge drinking habit that was causing plenty of issues in my family and relationships.
Because of these products a good friend of mine has stopped smoking pot alltogether and doesn't drink nearly as much as she used to.
Because of these products Bren and I rarely have illegal drugs anymore, it's just easier and the much better option to pop down to my local Smoke Shop and buy a 3g pack of Kronic.
Im not going to rant anymore about it, I got alot of my ranting out yesterday on fb and to Brendon and honestly dragging it up again today is only going to make me more upset but I will say one thing.
VIC is the most stupid state to live in.
Like the add campaign says on the telly atm we are the nanny state. Our government puts in all these stupid laws that don't make sense and make us adults feel like children and we are not even given valid reasons why for anything. Just simply told to do what they want and keep forking out money for taxes, taxes, taxes.
VIC has the most alcohol fuelled violence than any other state. We are the only state in Aus that has the 2am lockout in the city which basically means if you leave a club at 2am or later you cannot come back. Even if your just popping out for a smoke that's it home time for you. This in turn sends all the drunken idiots onto the streets, all revved up and alas the fights and mayhem starts. Im weary about going into the city now, it's just too dangerous unless your in a group with a couple of guys and it's sad that our once great nightlife has become a battlefield like this.
VIC also has a massive GBH problem and with more and more legal alternatives like this getting banned more and more kids will turn to G instead. I don't condone the drug in anyway (Im anti GBH, it's a dangerous, disgusting drug) but I don't blame the kids when there is nothing else available. G is cheap and easy to get, even I could get G in just a phone call today if I wanted to and from what I have been told $40 will get you 10mls which, depending on your body weight and tolerance could give you about 2-5 nights worth. Part of the reason I wanted to sell this stuff was to give people (18 and over of course) something else cheap and easy to use, something legal and much safer than the shit that is out there. I hope the government realises they have only added fuel to Melbourne's drug syndicate, I imagine alot of pot dealers are having a field trip right about now, rubbing their hands together, waiting for all the ex addicts to come crawling back.
A big thank you to Ted Baileu. I tell you I have every desire in my mind to go down to Ted Baileu's office in the city and smoke a big bong of kronic outside his window! Dickhead!
Ahhh Im tired, Im cranky and today is going to draaaaaaaaaaagg. Just been told that to make up for coming in 1.5 hours early for the meeting today I am to start 20 mins late for the next 4 days and 10 mins late one day. Not happy, an extra 20 minutes before work doesn't help me at all, I would much rather go home early but unfortunately I have to do what Matt wants. Shitty as, if anything it means I have to find something to do for 20 minutes every morning and I don't need more of a sleep in, 730 is enough for me.
Got an hour of Good thymes stuff done last night, spent ages updating my product list (now that I cannot sell kronic or any product containing JWH I have had to look at other legal smoking blends that will probably be alot weaker but what can I do) and also have added more health and wellbeing products to the list. After that I had enough time and energy to finish my flyer but couldn't even start my business cards which I wanted to finish last night so I was shitty about that. Im not even sure I like the flyer, I need a 2nd opinion and Brendon fell asleep last night before I could ask him.
Freaking out abit now, the launch party is nearly a month away and I still have so much to do. I don't even have all my sample products ready let alone any of my documents (flyers, business cards, order forms etc). Im definately spending more time at home focusing on it and if any friends or family hassle me to come and see them, they will just have to deal with it, this HAS to come first!
Ugggghhhh it's 10:42am.....6 hours and 18 minutes to go....can I go home yet???