bored out of my mind....oh and college crap

May 16, 2006 11:25

wow, i forgot i had one of these things. anyways, im sitting here in virginia bored to tears because i have nothing to do here. i should start my job this week (target again...oh boy), so maybe i wont be so bored soon. since im bored i decided to update this thing with what everyone else updated their's with....what i learned in college (abridged of course).

1)studying generally helps your grades (shocker, i know)
2)resident evil 4 is probably the most frustrating game in history
3)bus drivers are just as lazy as i am, and they cannot be trusted to get you to your destination near the end of the day
4)go to class, important stuff usually goes on there....unless its chemistry
5)the chemistry department has a direct link to Hell, avoid at all costs
6)nitrate ion has a -1 charge (damn that lab final first semester)
7)papers are impossible to write unless the teacher specifically tells you what to write
8)fire alarms are only allowed to go off unless it is the worst time possible
9)always make sure your door is completely closed unless you want drunk people spending the night
10)snelling pizza is the food of the gods
11)the internet is sure to die when you most need it to work
12)cleaning up is over-rated
13)never take a class on monday or friday if at all possible (4day weekends are amazing)
14)the only way to pass a chemistry test is to beat your head against the practice test for way too many hours
15)if you dont know where all your socks went, odds are they are behind your bed
16)the meal plan at uga is the best thing ever
17)it is not fair for people to use marth in super smash brothers: melee
18)everything funny on the internet comes from something awful
19)elevators in creswell are plain retarded
20)any class with a lab is to be avoided because labs suck
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