May 12, 2004 21:40
Today rocked a lil bit... Got off the bus from shool, and see at least a dozen cars screaming in a line down Chris Bastrons street. I say to myself "Das fighting? Hmmm." and i take off down the street to see what i could see. Shawn Corkren picks up my ass about half way down the street, we cruse to chrises and pull up just in time to see the beginning of the slug fest.
Chris and Jamie(eh? some kid but for the sake of the story his name is Jamie) were dukeing it out, i jump out of the car and sprint over to the circle of 50 kids gathered in the middle of the street who were all cheering the fight on. Jamie comes out right away with 10 bitchsmacks to the side of Chrises head and then chris counters with an outside hook with his left, Jamie staggers back being pummled by chris. Jamie bends over and hugs around Chris's waist, taking a barrage of body shots. Then some dude came out and broke the 2 of em up. Was a pretty good fight all and all, many would say Chris won. But i think it woulda been a different story if Jamie didn't get winded after the first 15 seconds of the fight. Jamie had a gash on his left cheek as he was walking way. The guy that broke them up said he was calling the cops, so all 20 or 30 cars were the fuck out of there in under 45 seconds. It was beautiful.
After that i cruised up to Mikeys house and chilled with him and Slade for a while. After Slade left Mike and I started working on this 3 HP Evinrude engine we found in the trash. Cleaned that bitch out, cleaned the carb, fuel lines, everything. After 3 hours, a couple games of football, half a ounce of weed(Go limey, way to raise the bar) and 50 pulls she started! Fuck yeah, free garbage that still works rocks.
So, having accomplished what we set out to do, i road my bike home.
Upon arriveing i go to have a bowl of Frosted Mini-wheats (score) but the box is over-run with those little sugar ants =(... I was desgusted at first, but poured the milk and ate em anyway.. Whatever, i've eaten green ground beef, couple ants wouldn't hurt me. Thought i'd share that with you.