- 18:12 The new Glen David Gold book is out. Clearly the world shall end soon, and so long as I get to finish this and Infinite Jest, I don't care. #
- 18:14 Hey Europe, you didn't need to do this: tinyurl.com/mfbw5l After recent Government performance, we're happy to cede power. #
- 18:17 My Mac is inexplicably working again - this pleases me. The mouse being a git, less so, but not so much as to sully my mood. #
- 18:21 Koizumi, I did not play Mario Galaxy for the plot, I played it to jump about in gravity-weird fun space. tinyurl.com/mk5p5t #
- 18:23 Scribblenauts however stands to be the finest game a boy with an overgrown vocaublary could wish for: tinyurl.com/kj55xh #
- 18:30 RT @McKelvie: Worst Daily Mail poll ever. VOTE YES to skew the results and pass it on! bit.ly/w4b6Q #
- 21:36 2 months out of knee surgery and Olivia is trouncing all comers at Dance Dance Revolution. The doctors have given her a dancing robot knee. #
- 23:03 Tramore, empty with the funfair and lights turned off: eerily reminiscent of The Warriors... #
- 23:03 Warriors... come out and play-ee-ay... #
- 23:04 Clink clink clink... #
- 23:05 And now for something completely different (in the tradition of Garfield without Garfield): tinyurl.com/lhxyr8 #
- 23:05 I AM the storm! But NOT a wedding. Hahahaha haha!! #
- 23:23 Aaaaaaaand it seems I spoke too soon about the Mac. What the what?! #
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