- 18:15 RT lastyearsgirl_ Retweeting @antonvowl - Nick Griffin elected to Brussels means he is in effect a migrant worker #
- 18:16 For those outside of the UK, this is Nick Griffin and why his successful election is a problem: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OSzAtxnAJU #
- 18:18 @ evilmonk I liked Green Yonder the best of the four movies - but my God, how did they think Bender's Game was worth pushing? #
- 18:21 @ lastyearsgirl_ It could be worse - the Irish are feeling pretty stupid about rejecting Lisbon last year right about now. #
- 18:25 It occurs to me - how many hours back is it considered okay to respond to tweetings? My glut-of-reading-and-responding may cause confusion. #
- 18:27 Anyhoo - Europe is clearly about to simultaneously implode explode in a flurry of mixed metaphors. So where should I move to? #
- 18:28 Right now my gut is telling me Canada - where everyone is nice and a mountie - or Japan - where everyone is polite and attractive. #
- 21:00 RT @andydiggle: Glen & Gary & Glen & Ross - bit.ly/QRt5B #
- 21:10 Two men, one shark, lots of love! bit.ly/3RIm7 #
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