After a bit of thought I decided it makes more sense to say that instead of having to add me, comment me and then wait for me to add people back, it's fairer just to get people to ask me to add them. I should be clear here: I don't actually like having a locked fic journal. I would much rather anyone and everyone could read all of my fic whenever they chose, without this adding bullshit, but I'm paranoid and I do know people do lose their jobs for all sorts of ridiculous reasons. Considering I have pretty much no limits when it comes to fanfiction, it makes more sense for me to pre-emptively cover my ass by locking this journal.
However, I remember [before I figured out the reasoning] being annoyed that I had to add journals of other people in order to read their locked fic. So from now on, you don't have to add me if you don't want, just ask me to add you. Then you can read all the locked stuff on my journal as long as you're logged in, without having the entries on your friends list if you don't want, or this journal name in your list of friends.
But the rule that you have to ask me to be added still remains, because I don't check my friend of list unless I feel I have a reason to. I don't pay attention to who's adding me or not, so if you want me to add you, you have got to ask me first, whatever way you like [comment here, comment at
my main journal, message or comment me on
MySpace, e-mail me, what-the-hell-ever].
Once I've added you, I will not remove you from my friends list unless you specifically ask me to, or I find out you're actually someone I don't trust to read my fic. Unlikely, so I wouldn't worry about it.
Thanks for listening,