
Jan 20, 2005 13:51

f i r s t s

First car: don't have one
First real kiss: Kyle McMullen
First screen name: Joeygurl16
First self purchased album: BSB
First funeral: Granpa Mike
First pets: WOW (really that was my cat's name)
First piercing/tattoo: Ears...nothing else YET
First credit card: don't wanna go in debt yet
First enemy: Ashley Moreland
First big trip: Pennsylvania

l a s t s

Last cigarette: a long ass time ago
Last car ride: like an hour ago

Last kiss: xmas day

Last good cry: 3 days after xmas
Last library book: Weep no more my lady (still got it)
Last movie seen: 50 first dates
Last beverage drank: Ice Tea (still drinking)
Last food consumed: New England Clam Chowder
Last crush: that's a joke...but ok it started with a letter like Jack in the bean stalk...
Last phone call: Laura
Last time showered: 7:00 am this morning

Last shoes worn: AE Boots

Last item bought: my nails
Last annoyance: this whole past week
Last time wanting to die: 3 days after xmas day AND this whole past week

f a s h i o n | s t u f f

01. Where is your favorite place to shops? Pac sun.

02. Any tattoos or piercings? 2 peircings

01. Do you do drugs? Alcohol.

02. What kind of shampoo do you use? some sebastian stuff
03. What are you most scared of? GUYS
04. What are you listening to right now? Eminem~Lose your self

05. where do you want to get married? Hawaii
06. how many buddies are online right now? 43
07. what would you change about yourself? ummm something!

h a v e | y o u | e v e r

01. given anyone a bath? yes

02. smoked? Yes

03. bungee jumped? no
04. made yourself throw up? yea

05. skinny dipped? nope
06. ever been in love? if that's what that was

07. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? I think once
08. pictured your crush naked? didn't have to
09. actually seen your crush naked? Yes

10. cried when someone died? wouldn't you?
11. lied? hell yea i gotta around here
12. fallen for your best friend? umm yea i think
13. been rejected? yea it sucks!
14. rejected someone? no
15. used someone? nope

16. done something you regret? Definately

c u r r e n t

clothes: Jeans, Aero shirt, black tank top, ae boots
music: d12~purple pills
make-up: none today to lazy
smell: ralph lauren
Desktop picture:John Gotti
dvd in player: Napolean Dynomite
color of toenails: idk

l a s t | p e r s o n

you touched: we'll keep that unmentioned....

hugged: trinny (just now;))

you imed: Coraleigh

you kissed: we'll keep that unmentioned too, it might start something again.

cuddled with: that one too, it might start something again.

a r e | y o u

understanding: depends

open-minded: yea
arrogant: yup!
insecure: all the time

interesting: i think so
hungry: not ne more
moody: sometimes
hardworking: yes!
organized: def
healthy: sure

shy: yea.
attractive:i wish
Bored Easily:HAAH i got told i have an attention span of a goldfish
responsible: yes
obsessed: With Gotti Boys

angry:not recently
sad: yea
happy: most of the time.
hyper: every time i'm with my friends
trusting: YES.
talkative: all the time
legal: not yet but in 3 months !!

w h o | d o | y o u | w a n n a

kill: umm RD

slap: RD
get high with: idk ne one that does taht
look like: Britney Spears
talk to offline: Trinity

talk to online: Shawne

w h i c h | i s | b e t t e r

coke or pepsi: Pepsi.
flowers or candy: flowers
tall or short: tall

r a n d o m

in the morning: im pissed
all you need is: love

love is: a bunch of bullshit
last person you danced with: danced?? i wish it woulda been unmentionalbye hehe
worst question to ask: How much do you weigh?
worst statement: I got your man!

who makes you laugh the most: Trin and her comments, lol

who makes you smile: trin n tris n hell all of my friends

who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: unmentionable again

who has a crush on you: i think someone does, but he's lying right now.

d o | y o u | e v e r

sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM:nick
wish you were a member of the opposite sex: only during the time of menstration...:D

Wish you were younger: hell yea

n u m b e r

of times i have had my heart broken:like 4 diff times by same guy
of hearts i have broken: none

of guys ive kissed:6

of girls i've kissed: 1
of continents i have lived in: UNO!

of tight friends: 2 or 3
of cds i own: at least 200
of scars on body: 5
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