
Dec 20, 2004 19:57 I'm soo glad its almost break i need an effin vacation. everyone does. anyway wresltings good, record is 6 and 2 so far. not including preseason wins. ummm people come to the home meet. its after the break on a wednesday........GO! so ya umm my rents are being assholes about letting me do anything ever since the whole drinking episode and some faggit ass bitch decided to go to my mom while she was volunteering at school and tell her extremely false information about me. So now she doesnt believe anything i say.....great. SIDE NOTE: IF I FIND OUT WHO IT FUCKING IS IM GOIN TO TAKE A BAT TO THERE FUCKING HEAD. doesnt matter who it is, ill kill em' so if u kno, please let me kno. so ya, IM A NOLE..FUCK YA. Got accepted on wednesday...soo happy wight off my chest. still waiting to hear from other school but i pretty much have my mind made up. Holla at me to chill over the break.
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