Aug 06, 2005 22:34
HeartActor: hey?
softly sing riot: HEY
HeartActor: how are you?
softly sing riot: psh
softly sing riot: fuck
HeartActor: what's the matter?
softly sing riot: WHAT?!
HeartActor: what's the matter?
softly sing riot: WHAT?!!
HeartActor: what's wrong?
softly sing riot: WHAT?!!?!
softly sing riot: so there was this woman. . .
HeartActor: well, apparently what's wrong is that you've lost any capability of responding to normal stimuli, like interrogation
HeartActor: (just kidding)
HeartActor: a woman?!
softly sing riot: and she was on an airplane and she was flying to meet her fiance
HeartActor: uh huh...
softly sing riot: seaming high above the LARGEST ocean on planet earth
softly sing riot: and she was seated next to this man
HeartActor: seeming, yes
softly sing riot: she had tried to start conversations but the only thing she had really heard him say was to order his bloody mary
HeartActor: mm hmm
softly sing riot: she was sitting there and she was reading this really arduous magazine article about a third world country the she couldn't even pronounce the name of!!
softly sing riot: and she was feeling very BORED and DESPONDENT and then suddenly. . .
softly sing riot: there was this huge mechanical failure!!
softly sing riot: and one of the engines gave out!
HeartActor: oh no!
HeartActor: f!
softly sing riot: and they started just FALLING thirty thousand feet and the pilots on the microphone and he's saying
softly sing riot: "i'm sorry, i'm sorry, oh my god!"
softly sing riot: and apologizing
softly sing riot: and she looks at the man and says "where are we going!?!?!!!"
softly sing riot: and he looks at her
softly sing riot: and he says
softly sing riot: "we're going to a party!"
softly sing riot: "it's a birthday party!"
HeartActor: mmm hmmm
softly sing riot: "it's your birthday party!"
softly sing riot: "happy birthday darling!"
softly sing riot: "we love you very, very, very, very, very, very very much!"
softly sing riot: and then he starts humming this little tune
HeartActor: alright...
softly sing riot: it kind of goes like this
softly sing riot: one two, one two three four
softly sing riot: we must talk in every telephone get eaten off the web
softly sing riot: we must rip out all the epilogues from books that we have read
softly sing riot: and in the face of every criminal strapped firmly to a chair
softly sing riot: we must stare, we must stare, we must STARE!
softly sing riot: we must take all of the medicines too expensive now to sell
softly sing riot: set fire to the preacher who is promising us hell
softly sing riot: and in the ear of every anarchist that sleep sbut doesn't dream
softly sing riot: we must sing, we must sing, we must sing
softly sing riot: it'lll go like this!
HeartActor: bright eyes lyrics...
HeartActor: i see....
softly sing riot: ha ha, of COURSE bright eyes
HeartActor: Bottom of Everything
HeartActor: i get it
HeartActor: WE Must Sing
softly sing riot: loser
HeartActor: right.
HeartActor: well, that was interesting.
softly sing riot: you're loserXcore
HeartActor: a cool fucking cat
HeartActor: if you ask david vaipan.
softly sing riot: you can be both
softly sing riot: and plus, i fucking hate cats, you know i hate cats!
HeartActor: a loserXcore cool fucking cat
HeartActor: i know- and you wonder why i think the things i do
softly sing riot: think huh?
softly sing riot: i didn't know you had that ability
HeartActor: why are you being a dick all of a sudden?
HeartActor: or- are you joking?
softly sing riot: i'm just joking!
softly sing riot: obviously it's sarcasm
softly sing riot: jesus christ, get a mothafuckin clue!
softly sing riot: i mean, come on, "i didn't know you had that ability!"
HeartActor: i'll try my hardest.
softly sing riot: EVERYONE has the ability to think
HeartActor: i'd argue that.
softly sing riot: ha ha, you're funny, that's funny
HeartActor: i sense the sarcasm now.
softly sing riot: ha ha, finally you grow a brain!!
HeartActor: so, hey why did you dump me?
softly sing riot: because i never wanted to date you in the first place and i was just prolonging it
softly sing riot: remember, you snuck up dating on me
HeartActor: oh yeah.
softly sing riot: i fucking hate girls and dating and all that shit
softly sing riot: you're like the ONLY GIRL in the world i can stand
HeartActor: but i mean- we were prctically dating anyway...
HeartActor: it doiesn't really matter.
softly sing riot: ha ha
softly sing riot: save your breath for coolin your poridge
HeartActor: sorry.
HeartActor: im porageless
softly sing riot: no, you're a cock ass
softly sing riot: genuine COCK ASS
softly sing riot: are you excited for school?
HeartActor: nope.
HeartActor: how can you stand such an average person- i mean, im only average at bet, like on a good day?
HeartActor: best*
softly sing riot: ha ha, what's the question?
HeartActor: how can i be the only person in the world you can tolerate and have no good qualities?
softly sing riot: no no, you're just really the only girl
softly sing riot: i love guys, they're cool
HeartActor: you're a tool
softly sing riot: ha ha, what do you mean?
HeartActor: im just kidding
HeartActor: well, im glad to be the only girl you can tolerate
softly sing riot: what if i'm just lying to you?
HeartActor: then i wouldn't be surprised
softly sing riot: well why don't you just expect everything instead of placing trust in me completely?!
HeartActor: what?
softly sing riot: you thought that i didn't believe allure was a real word!
HeartActor: are you saying i should just set myself up for diappointment?
softly sing riot: no, i'm saying be a little more fucking careful and paranoid
softly sing riot: and then you wouldn't be fucking dissapointed
softly sing riot: don't fucking trust people
softly sing riot: when someone says something don't fucking believe them
softly sing riot: fuck
softly sing riot: instead of, "nuh uh, david. allure really is a fucking word."
HeartActor: how do you find happiness?
softly sing riot: i'm not going to tell you! i'll expose my weakness to you!!
HeartActor: are we fighting?
softly sing riot: ha ha, no
softly sing riot: i'm dancing
softly sing riot: i love hellogoodbye
HeartActor: shimmy shimmy quarer turn is a pretty neat song
softly sing riot: ugh
softly sing riot: what about welcome to the record
softly sing riot: i fucking love that song
HeartActor: dance to it
softly sing riot: "look, she's just so emo!"
softly sing riot: ha ha, i fucking love it!
HeartActor: have you heard the hidden track
HeartActor: on the first to last album?
softly sing riot: fuck first to last
softly sing riot: they fucking suck
HeartActor: but it's still
HeartActor: a very funny song
HeartActor: i get a kick out of it
softly sing riot: *vomit*
softly sing riot: fucking lameeeeeeeeeeee
softly sing riot: i listened to emily and was like, this song is cool, and listened to their other shit and was like, this is SHIT shit SHIT!!
HeartActor: i like MEily
HeartActor: i's so sad and melancholic
softly sing riot: yeah, alright
HeartActor: it sounds like the guitar is crying
softly sing riot: but after listening to their other shit it's like, i hate them so much even emily starts to suck
softly sing riot: i can't believe anybody could get through an entire cd TO the last fucking hidden track
HeartActor: man, the don't suck that much
softly sing riot: but that's just me, i could be wrong, maybe it's a terrible tragedy
HeartActor: i think most of their music is a joke
softly sing riot: yeah, you don't think they suck because you don't actually listen to music
softly sing riot: you're just one of those fucking people who doesn't go out there and find music, you just copy what all your friends listen to
softly sing riot: even country music comes from your parents
softly sing riot: no fucking individuality
softly sing riot: just another fucking statistic with no remarkable future
HeartActor: oh darnit!
softly sing riot: sorry everyone sucks so much, but at least i go out there and dance and laugh while you sit in the corner hugging yourself along with everyone else
HeartActor: what?
softly sing riot: "i'm too cool to dance and laugh" or "today is not a laugh and dance day" well i don't give a fuck, i'll learn to have fun being me, not fucking being a dick licking empty shit
HeartActor: im laughing. im dancing.
HeartActor: you're the one with a broken <3.
softly sing riot: you're not doing that, you're the person sitting in the corner judging thinking you're better than everyone else when you have no idea what music is about
softly sing riot: so fuck everyone, i'll go out there and i'll have fun
HeartActor: oh man...
HeartActor: you're a character
softly sing riot: and you have NO character!!
HeartActor: BURN!
HeartActor: sorry, but I ama verage at best
softly sing riot: that's the thing!! all you kids flip through your five hundred channels, celebrity magazines and fucking underwear with some girls or guys name on it
HeartActor: what more do you expect?
HeartActor: fuck.
HeartActor: get off my back bitch.
softly sing riot: i expect you to GO OUT THERE AND LIVE LIFE
softly sing riot: instead of staying inside caring what everyone thinks of you and doing shit just so people will love you unconditionally
softly sing riot: i don't give a fuck if a group of friends hates me, i'll fucking move on
softly sing riot: but people like you need that familiarity
softly sing riot: well fuck that, i'm moving outside of the fucking box and meeting new people
HeartActor: live life? you sit on the internet all day!
softly sing riot: today i went out and skated with jake because it was cloudy and not too hot
HeartActor: i like my box of friends- some poeple like their know?
HeartActor: are we fighting now?
softly sing riot: every single day since you left i went out and did things with people
softly sing riot: you're holding me down!
softly sing riot: well no more!!
HeartActor: dude...
HeartActor: ok!
softly sing riot: i'm not going to befriend any fucking girls
softly sing riot: they're societys curse
HeartActor: proabably.
softly sing riot: ugh
softly sing riot: all of the things i could have accomplished if i never dated you
softly sing riot: you would have been happier with your fucking chris wallace
softly sing riot: fucking women!! AHH! WOMEN ARE EVIL!!
HeartActor: im not evil in the least....
HeartActor: so there.
softly sing riot: they deter me from accomplishing anything!!
softly sing riot: they deter all of mankind from moving forward
softly sing riot: oh well
softly sing riot: i fucking love you and you're cool
softly sing riot: so don't worry about it
softly sing riot: i'm out.
softly sing riot: later
HeartActor: <3?