Oct 25, 2008 00:14
Is it bad that i come back everyother weekend to enjoy some random band event and see whats going on with my highschool peeps?
I don't know. I get the feeling Yea! All of them are awsome and i also get the feeling, your in college man move on... idk i think thats my mom talking.
So I just got back to go to the Troy High football game. Me and Perry saw Mrs. Gottleib and had a nice chat. So the plan is that she has talked to the new AP teacher and the party is still A GO! She will also be making an apearence and bringing the food as well. Hott damn she never does us wrong.
So who'd a guessed... troy high stomped athens 40-0... but that wasn't that shocking to me.
At like third quarter we all went inside to dry off from the mist that was happening outside. I got to enjoy the dounuts. Mmm mm good.
Near the end of the football game thought something surprizing happened... Mr. Blessing took zack aside to complain about his obnoxious behavior and then
Just befor the drumoff and a week befor finals its like ZOMG WHAT?!?!?
Long story short..... athens= kinda dirty and lame.... troy high = kinda dirty, fun to listen to, got some funky fresh beats
Oh by far Troy High was the victor
And then Alex goes out there and starts making a Perry speach about the old licks of the Blue devils and rips shit up. GO ALEX! one of the few things to be proud of today.
Tailgate tomorrow with the parents in the motor home!!!! GO GREEN
"The truth hurts...
But denial's what will kill you"