Apr 16, 2005 09:46
HO KAY, I WENT TO THE CONCERT last night, jimmy eat world was amazing!i cant say the same for taking back sunday-they used to be good but then they got rid of the awesome back up singer WHO MADE THE WHOLE FUCKING BAND...--the lead singer barely sings he just swirls his little microphone--reminds me of a young stp singer i know..OH WELL,T.B.S'S FIRST ALBUM WAS GOOD....BECAUSE OF THE BACK UP SINGER!!!!!WELL IT WAS WORTH IT TO SIT THROUGH THEIR LONG HORRID SET, TO HEAR JIMMY EAT WORLD WHO STARTED OFF GREAT AND CARRIED IT THE WHOLE WAY THROUGH...YEY!!! and i got a free cd ***anyways tonight is kevins birthday party and im going as...shock shock BRANDON FLOWERS-i got the hot pink leather jacket, tee hee...it just hope i dont have the urge to...jump...on oneself? lol we ll see, ill post pics ...~meg aka brandon loves himself so much he shall love me for dressing as him**
Q. What did George W Bush get on his SAT's?
A. Drool.