Muse is... well, she's a muse. Sort of, anyway. She (theoretically) exists to inspire creativity in other beings. She's not the muse of anything in particular, big or little, unless maybe she's just a muse of creativity in general.
The character has actually been actively in RP play for about three years now, although she only just arrived in the Nexus in November 2005. She's actually living out her backstory in the Nexus, or a portion of it that takes place a few hundred years before the other events of her existence that are being RP'd out elsewhere.
How Do Muses Work In Her 'Verse?
Muses are created, not born, by the Powers That Be (actually a rather officious bunch of snots who hope the Ultimate Powers will stay asleep and let them get on with their beaurocracy). They are assigned to "fleshies," generally when those fleshies are born. The fleshies then choose names for their muses, and interact with them for as long as they need the creative inspiration. Because many fleshies lose their creativity as they grow up, many muses only stay with a fleshie until it reaches adulthood, at which point they're reassigned, and are remembered only as an "imaginary friend" by the person they once inspired.
Who Does Muse Inspire?
Muse has only been assigned to two fleshies so far, but in both cases they didn't part ways with her when they reached adulthood, as much as she probably wished they would have. They both turned out to be creative types. There's a disturbing possibility that they might be Elvis and/or Vin Diesel, but she's never actually said. The assignments have never exactly worked out, with Muse's fleshies largely ignoring her, disregarding her advice, and making craploads of money in place of art that she can actually respect, so she's pretty unhappy with her job.
What Is She, Really?
The problem is... Muse isn't really a Muse. Periodically, infant Ultimate Powers are born into the 'verse. Sometimes they're recognized immediately, but other times they're not. It's unclear whether Muse was misclassified due to some beaurocratic errors, or whether the Powers That Be are deliberately attempting to suppress her. At any rate, they told her she was a Muse, taught her how she was supposed to act as a Muse, and assigned her to a few fleshies.
But Muse, although she tries her best to provide good inspiration, is really more of a doer than anything else, and instead of stimulating her fleshies' imaginations like she's supposed to, gives up and uses her own instead.
Nexus, LOL
Muse, being an infant god, has a somewhat infant-like understanding of the universe around her, especially because she's been so completely misinformed. She has bizarre, disturbingly literal interpretations of language, thinking that figures of speech are literally meant and that other phrases, which are literally meant, are actually strange euphemisms. This makes having a
conversation with her a hazardous experience and she has broken the brains of several pups in the Nexus.
She likes people, though, very much, and will "imaginate up" neat items if asked. Just do not ask her about "kabooming" because she does not want anybody knowing she blew up a planet a while back. She makes friends easily, and comes up with very strange nicknames for many of her friends. But she'll break her friends' brains without meaning to, just as readily as a stranger's.
Oh, and don't ask for her to become your pup's muse. She's sticking to her "canon" backstory from her main RP, and she was only ever assigned to Fleshie 1 and Fleshie 2 before that RP picks up. Sorry.