(no subject)

May 02, 2002 19:42

i'm a cat.

what kinda pet are you?

quiz made by muna.

OK, so I cheated. I actually came out as a hamster. Hamsters are horrible. I don't know why anyone ever thought to keep one as a pet. They are completely antisocial. They don't even like other hamsters, never mind people, and will bite at the first opportunity unless you put the fear of god in them. They are also NOCTURNAL - which means they sleep all day. How boring is that? The only interesting thing they ever do is go round and round on a wheel in a desperate frenzy as if their life depended on it. Then fall asleep again.

Hamsters don't live very long anyway, but they usually come to a sorry end by escaping from their cages and plunging from a great height [i.e. three feet off the kitchen table] or being stood on, causing years of guilt and distress for their owners.

They are not very bright, can't be housetrained, and are incapable of forming meaningful relationships. Don't ever keep a hamster as a pet.

So I went back, changed most of the answers to 'I don't care' [which was probably the right answer in the first place, if I would only admit it] and got a cat instead. Cats are nice.
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