"The dog that came in is named Foxy... She's coming again on Tuesday to visit me.
It feels good to be able to pet a dog again...
I backed into my bureau and did something to my wheelchair so I couldn't
move. I couldn't reach my call light for help so I sat here two hours until
Aunt Rosie came in. No one could figure out how to fix it so they had to
call nurse Debbe back in-and she showed everyone else what to do. The
problem with this chair is without power you can't budge it--it's so heavy.
I never cry,but I was crying whenn rosie came in because I felt so
helpless--I couldn't even raise my voice enough to call anyone.to help me.
Haven't even finished todays paper yet, but I did my taxes.
Take care !
Love, Grammy"
I think it's terrible how she's still so mentally sharp, but her body's already given a big fuck you. I'm probably not going to do any schoolwork tonight and paint her a picture.
Come with me to visit and watch Dennis the Menace sometime.