Feb 11, 2008 22:09
im in a weird mood
ive been stuck in it for a while
i just dont know what i want at all
ive no idea what to do with myself
i think ill copy that thing that people do when they write about multiple anonymous people....
-i havent talked to you in AGES. where the hell are you? youre one of my best friends
i suppose most of its my fault for never calling you...i think i just might do that tomorrow night...i hope youre around
we deff need to chill
i dont wanna lose you out of my life
its funny cause we used to be so close.... =[
-i miss you like crazy. i cant stand having you so far away. youre basically my brother and i need you here. i hope that you can come up and visit soon. i need you bear. i love you platonically. summer? spring vaca? come back soon
-i really liked you. but i think im finally over you. but i still consider you a friend. but ill always care about you.
-i think i like you. its weird. idk why i like you so much...its kinda a weird match.... i guess we just have a lot in common and............idk.... =)
-youre a super annoying drama queen. i actually have ZERO respect for you. i only pretend to be nice to you to make my life less stressful. to be totally honest i have NO respect for you....and i never have. you knew it once
and then you think ive changed my opinion....no i really havent. i still think youre the skankiest girl ive EVER met.
- youre a fuckin creep. stop contacting me. k thanks peace.
-i still think youve got a lot of growing up to do, but youre a pretty cool kid. just lay off the drama and you'll be easier to tolerate.
and you trust too easily.
you'll get fucked over in the end.
-we need to hang. i miss chillin with you
youre one of my best
bullmoose run soon? ya faggot.
-you also are a super huge dramatic freak. what is wrong with you? you totally lost me as even a "good friend" last winter. i needed a favor and you fucked me over. fuck you man. ill be sure to returnthe favor one day. wait, and you'll get yours.
-to be completely honest, i was debating on even writing about you. i have so much to say, but im at this point where i just really really dont care anymore. its actually kind of sad, but i really dont. you just bring so much drama into my life. and i really wouldnt care....i mean....i would, but it wouldnt phase me if i never talked to you again. we arent really that good of friends now, i can see it, and i think that you can too. i think we're both just totally different people now. i fucking hate drama. ive been ignoring it totally and just see how much everyone starts it.....ive just grown up so much in the past year...i just see your problems as childish. you cause them yourself...then you like to bitch to me about it, and just stress me out and bring me down. i think youre a total fake fuckin loser at the moment. youre a fuckin sellout for certain people, and i hope youre happy that way. i swear ill never be there to pick up the pieces of your friendships ever again. im sorry to say it
but i dont care about our friendship anymore...it means absolutely nothing to me...
you only use me
i can see it...dont say its not true
cause i fuckin hate liars
and i can prove to you how i know.
-im actually really glad that i messaged you. i think it was for the best. its made me feel a whole lot better, and i hope its done the same for you. ill never forget you, and keep in touch.
-aw im so glad i got to be good friends with you recently...well good friends in my opinion...yours too i believe. we need to hangout asap. youre actually pretty cool...and i have a LOT of respect for you.
thats kinda it for now
guess i had more to say than i thought....
i dont know anymore
but i mean every word that i just said to all of you.