Jun 07, 2005 22:51
Alrighty good news about my cell phone...well see I have this best friend..who loves me and is willing to buy me ANY cell phone from sprint for my birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Soo yay! (its ashlyn by the way) Soo anyways..got a phone call from ashlyn tonight..cuz its been forever since we talked...her and jacob broke up...which is sad...because she is sad..but im glad..cuz he wasnt good enough for her in the begining. He didnt love her, or treat her the way she needed to be treated. Soo then she asked me what i was doing for my birthday..and i said nothing...and she said good..cuz mom,dad,and her 4 siblings a few friends from work and Jill over for a cookout and go swimming at her apartment for my birthday..and then later that night..like alot later..we'll go over to secrets (a bar near charlestown) where Jill works and drink there. Soo im excited. I cant wait!!! Ohh and then my mother...what a werido...asked me if I wanted a tattoo..and i told her sure..so now im getting that done next tuesday before we leave for atlantic city. I cant decide where to get it though..i'll prolly get one on my ankle...but i dunno...soo yeah just figured i'd tell everyone that! Im outties..gotta get some sleep..orientation at 8am at the hospital!!!!
*********2 days till the 17th birthday!!!!*********