Title: Always With Love
Genre: Romance/Fan Fic/Drama
Pairing: Theo James/OFC
Characters: Theo James, OFC, OC
Warnings: Language, Adult Situations
Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.
Summary: For the last ten years, Theo has loved Lindsay. For the last three years, Lindsay has been a bit of a prisoner in her own life. For two people who were supposed to have it all, life sure turned out to be cruel. Caught up in life and all the dismay it sometimes brings can be challenging, even more so when the person you love is slowly slipping away.
Chapter Three
“Once the whole Insurgent bit settles down, we're thinking we may head to London for a few weeks. By that time, Theo will need a break and I know he misses home.” Lindsay informed Anna, taking a sip of her iced tea and carefully picking through a rack of dresses.
“London? Wait, let me get this straight.” Anna giggled. “Theo has vacation time and you two are going to London? I thought London was where you went on obligation, not for fun.”
Lindsay rolled her eyes. “I know we were just there not long ago, but I know he misses his family. Plus, once we're in London the rest of the world is just a hop away. Trust me, I don't plan on spending all of his free time hanging out in his parent's attic.”
“Girl, I know that look!” Anna accused, winking at Lindsay who wore a rather cheeky grin. “Let me guess, a few days in Monaco, maybe some Dubai, oh I know!” she clapped excitedly. “Santorini?”
“I was thinking more like we kick Julian out of our flat and spend some time there. However, Santorini is a much better idea.” Lindsay chuckled along with Anna's excitement. “As much as I wish, you know how Theo is about spending insane amounts of money on anything.”
“Boy's wallet is tighter than his pants.” Anna joked picking a dress off of the rack and handing it to Lindsay.
Accepting the knee length floral dress, Lindsay looked it over carefully deciding whether or not she wanted to try it on. “Sometimes I feel like such a burden to him.” she sighed, picking up conversation again. “If I could just find a job, but he keeps telling me not to worry about it. I wish I could do something to help out.”
Anna wrinkled her nose, she hated when conversations took these turns. When she had stopped to pick up Lindsay for their day out, Theo had briefly informed her that Lindsay had been having an excellent week. No delusions and very minimal forgetting, a reason why Anna felt it was comfortable to talk about the mentioned London trip. Lindsay was unreliable to actually hold down a job, about a year ago she had started a screen play, but had gotten so side tracked with her issues that it remained nothing more than an unfinished document on her laptop. Whenever she mentioned finding work, Theo would swoop in and casually tell her that he liked taking care of her and not to worry.
The truth was, even for somebody of Theo's earning, taking care of somebody like Lindsay put you on a tight budget. Monthly, Lindsay received a rather large sum of money from a bank account in Bangkok, the account belonged to Paul Decker; Lindsay's father and a dignitary with the US Government working for the Embassy in Thailand. Even with the rather generous amount that was sent, it wasn't always enough to cover every expense. Not wanting Lindsay to feel entirely useless, Anna had arranged for her best friend to do some small tasks around the office where she worked. Accounting was boring and dull, but having Lindsay around to file papers and gossip at the water cooler made Anna's job a little more fun.
“You don't need to feel that way.” Anna assured her, flipping her mass of tight curls over her shoulder. “You know your man likes taking care of you.”
Placing the floral print dress back on the rack, in favour for a striking red strapless, Lindsay shrugged. “Sometimes, I feel like we're getting so far apart. When we met there was this insane crackle, everything we said or did made me feel it. Even just looking at one another, it was there.” she explained with a frown. “Now, I feel like things are so stale between us. That's why I think a trip will do us good.”
“You know that Theo is just busy, he pours himself into his work and he doesn't mean to neglect you.” Anna made the excuse, knowing that Theo always took the blame. A lot of that lack luster was Lindsay, but how did you tell somebody that their mental state was ruining things?
“For somebody who cares, he has a funny way of showing it.” Lindsay replied tersely.
Anna wanted to grab her best friend and give her a shake, to tell her that Theo cared more than any man she knew. She wanted to tell Lindsay that if Theo stopped caring, then her ass would be in big trouble. Instead she pursed her lips and picked up a vibrant blue sundress and looked it over.
“He cares, maybe he doesn't know how to express it?” Anna suggested instead.
“Really? I feel like showing somebody you care requires a little more words, or affection. Jesus, Theo hardly even kisses me anymore.” Lindsay groaned. “Have I become that boring to him? Boring old Lindsay? We used to kiss and touch every chance we got. We haven't had sex in almost six months.”
It was more like a year and six months, but Anna didn't feel the need to correct that. The fact she knew that was enough for her. Quickly, she made a mental note to tell Theo he had to stop unloading all of his relationship problems on her. There were just some things a girl should never hear from her best friend's man.
“If he isn't having sex with me, then who is he having sex with?” Lindsay asked rather loudly. Noticing an older lady glaring at her, she winced and lowered her voice. “I get it, he meets beautiful women every day. He spends weeks with these women, why not hook up with them instead of the same chick he's had for years?”
“Lindsay.” Anna placed a hand on her hip. “Theo is not hooking up with other women. That man would rather cut his balls off, than hook up with another woman. You know this!” she encouraged the thoughts to leave. “Besides, who would he hook up with? All the girls he has been working with aren't really his type.”
“If he's bored of this,” Lindsay pointed to herself. “Then any girl could be his new type. Come on, Anna. Are you telling me that you wouldn't put your dick in Amber Heard or Kate Beckinsale, if you had one?”
“Oh god, please!” Anna scoffed. “He is not putting his dick in either of them. As for me, they're not my type even if I had a dick. However, I wouldn't snuggling up to Jai Courtney just so we're all clear.” she laughed at her own statement. “He could be the vanilla to this chocolate any day he wanted.” Anna continued to giggle.
“I'll have Theo let him know you said that.” Lindsay laughed, taking a pink sundress off of the rack and slinging it over her arm along with the red one.
“Stop worrying about things you know aren't happening and go try those dresses on.” Anna instructed, gently turning Lindsay in the direction of the changing room.
Anna was good at squashing worry; Lindsay wished she could have that ability. Anna was also really good at always seeing the happy side of things, another talent Lindsay wished she could have. They were just two reasons Anna and Lindsay were best friends. Opposites attracted and boy were they opposite. Even their looks were completely different; Lindsay was tall, stick straight, with blond hair and for a lack of better words pasty skin. Anna was shorter, curvier, and her dark skin and dark curls were certainly eye catching. During high school and after Anna was always the one to get the dates. Lindsay did okay for herself, but she had never got much attention from boys.
Anna was charming and fun, loud, outgoing, and way more of a party girl than Lindsay. It was how she got all of those dates. While Lindsay had decided to pursuit a long-term relationship with Theo; Anna had kept her options open and never kept a boyfriend for more than a few months. She preferred it that way. Everything in Anna's life seemed so predictable, her love life didn't have to be. Sometimes Lindsay found herself slightly jealous, while she adored Theo and would never wish to change him, having a steady lover who was slowly becoming more of a parental figure just wasn't cutting it anymore.
Not in a million years would Lindsay even entertain the idea of cheating, or actually cheat, but she wondered what it would be like to date other men. Men who didn't know everything about her. Men who desired her, who wanted to solve her mystery. Theo cared for her, he loved her too and he had made it very clear he had no intentions of ever letting her go. Other men were never going to be an option, which is why Lindsay was happy to live vicariously through Anna.
A few hours later and several purchases made, the two friends found them selves in the lobby of the building which housed Theo and Lindsay's condo. As always, Anna always saw Lindsay home before returning to her own apartment a few blocks away. Each with an armful of bags, the two women casually waited while the elevator descended to the ground floor, before they could use it to transport them to the third floor of the building.
“You should stay for dinner.” Lindsay smiled, stepping onto the elevator that would take her up to her and Theo's home.
“What if Theo has plans?” Anna raised her brow in question. “I don't want to impose.”
“You won't be.” Lindsay shook her head. “Theo went out with Ansel today, I doubt he's even home. You can't leave me to have dinner by myself.”
“If you're sure.” Anna replied, not wanting to ruin any plans Theo may have made for himself and his girlfriend.
“I am.” Lindsay nodded, smiling. “Besides, even if Theo is home, I doubt he'll mind.”
At the ding of the elevator, the pair quickly rushed off and down the short hallway to the familiar door. Lindsay paused briefly enough to unlock the door and allow Anna to step inside first. Being met with the sound of male voices and the smell of cooking food, was a tell tale sign that Theo was back home and had company. Stashing their things next to the hall closet, Lindsay entered the house first with Anna a few feet behind.
Walking into the kitchen, she was the interruption of discussion, as both Theo and his friend Ansel turned to greet her.
“Hey babe.” Theo greeted Lindsay with a kiss and a one armed hug. “I asked Ansel to stay for dinner. I hope you don't mind.”
“Nonsense.” Lindsay smiled and waved at Ansel. Ansel Elgort, although several years younger than Theo and Lindsay, spent a fair bit of time hanging out at their place. A native New Yorker, like Lindsay, and an actor he had an old soul which was always welcomed to the mix. “I hope we have enough, I asked Anna to stay. I didn't know you'd be back.”
“The more the merrier.” Theo held his arms out, smiling brightly. “Why not?”
“I told you he wouldn't mind.” Lindsay turned to Anna, who was taking a seat at the small cafe style table next to Ansel.
“I never mind having you around.” Theo informed Anna, smiling and turning his attention back to Lindsay.
Anna didn't stay ignored for long; Ansel dove right into conversation with the older woman. Not having ran into Ansel for a while, Anna was eager to catch up with him. He was a bright kid, if he could be called that, who had a spark that just pulled people to him.
“Miss Anna.” Ansel winked and gave her a hug. “It's nice to see you.”
“It's good to see you too, Ansel.” Anna hugged him tightly. “I didn't know you were going to be here.”
“I can leave, but only if you want.”
“No, no stay. I'm glad you're here. If you leave that's only going to make me sad.” Anna giggled.
“I can't have you sad, can I?” Ansel laughed, handing her a glass of wine. “Did you two have a nice shopping trip?”
“Mmm.” Lindsay nodded answering before Anna had the chance. Accepting the wine bottle that Ansel was handing her., she gestured to Anna. “We had a great day. Wait until you see the new dress Anna got.”
“You should model it.” Ansel turned back to Anna. Nodding eagerly, while she tried to decline. “Yes! Yes! I want to see the dress!”
“I don't have the right shoes for it.” Anna passed the excuse.
“Oh come on!” Theo bellowed happily. “Give us a peek, Ann.”
The pestering continued, until Anna sat her wine down and headed toward the hall way where her bags were left to wait. Picking up the bag, Anna shook her head, muttering something about them being pushy as she trudged down the hall to the bedroom.
“What about you?” Theo asked, wiping his hands on a dish towel. “Did you get anything we need to see?” he took a drink of his beer and sat the bottle back down.
“I didn't get anything that Ansel would want to see.” Lindsay giggled, winking.
“Oh my.” Ansel laughed, turning slightly red. “Please, I don't need to see anything not intended for public viewing.”
Teasing one another was something Ansel and Lindsay were skilled at, a natural humility and laughter always seemed to flow between the two. Today, Lindsay was herself and that made it easier for Ansel to torment her in the nicest ways possible. The last couple of times he had saw his colleague's girlfriend, Lindsay didn't even remember who Ansel was or that she knew him, beyond once seeing him in a movie. Never one to get involved with the business of other's, Ansel did his best to keep to himself when things got difficult for Lindsay and Theo. Of course, he was always willing to help in any way he could.
Knowing Lindsay on the same personal level in which he new Theo, meant that Ansel was always an open ear for either of them. When he and Theo were away, filming the movies they worked on together, Ansel never hesitated to let Theo unload his worries on the younger man. It could be the middle of the night, if Theo needed someone to talk, Ansel was there. Having somebody willing to listen to your problems always meant that person was worth keeping. Ansel was somebody who you kept in your life.
Lindsay and Ansel laughed loudly, teasing one another about god knows what, Theo had managed to tune out the noise around him. Leaning on the kitchen counter, he watched silently, except for a few times he moved his beer to his lips, as Ansel and Lindsay poked and picked at each other. Theo watched and even made a comment as Anna reappeared in her new sundress, twirling for her admirers and blowing kisses for their delight. This was the life he missed. The simple, happy, joyous life that he and Lindsay were supposed to have. Through all of the bad, these were the moments that made it good again, if only for fleeting moments.