Jan 02, 2004 03:01
Well... I think that it is about time that I do an update. An actual update, and not one of those crappy ones I have been doing. So lets recap shall we. My year started off... well it was not so good. Hell I don't even remember most of it. *laughs a little* I would say mid-year things started to actually pic up for me. I mean I moved into my own house, so that is something right. Then... my life was turned upside down with just one person. Now I'm not saying that in a bad way... but I think it opened up a side of me that I had closed off. I am still thankful to Brian; even though I have no clue as to where he is at, or if he is okay. But... He will be in my heart no matter what happens in the future. I met some wonderful people, and I have a new sister to my family. *smiles* Lei has really been my rock in all the hard times, and I will never forget that I owe her my life. Manda is gonna be a mom... and I never thought I would see that. I mean Manda.. my Manda... a mom? It's still hard for me to believe. So much has happened. Aaron moved into my house, along with Krystal; but I haven't seen her in so long. I think she also went MIA or something. Then Angel moved in with me, and I was so happy that I had both her and Aaron in my house. Leslie moved in with Nickers... and speaking of Nickers... he has found love and I'm so happy for him. Shit also happened. I got arrested again, and I still hate cops more than ever! I did some stupid stuff... do I regret it? *thinks a second* Not really. I don't make a habit of regretting anything; even if it was something as stupid as landing yourself in the hospital. I have grown from that, and I found myself because of it. I don't even want to mention the other shit that was caused by "mom". I guess everything happens for a reason, and even though I hate the bitch... what she did has brought Nick, Me, Leslie, Angel, and Aaron closer together. We were always close; but I think it has brought us even closer together. Things do happen for a reason, and I can't wait for things to start happening for 2004. It is still weird to think on it as 2004; but I guess I'll get used to it like always. Also AJ will be turning 26, and that is just weird to me. He has always been like another brother to me, and yes I call him old man; but I do it just to give him a hard time. I'll be turning 22... god now I'm getting old, *laughs* and Nickers will be turning 24. Ugh can't we like go back and be teenagers again? *yawns* Time really does go by fast, and when you look back on things, some of the big thing s don't really matter anymore. What matters is your true family, and that you have the love of your friends.