Jun 26, 2004 10:20
hmm its been a while since i updated and ppl keep tellin me 2 update so i shall.
ok let us see. last weekend i went 2 maryland and bought sum new clothes and stuff.
thn came home and then the next day i skated as usuial. ummm. i caught a lightning but and threw it at a tree. ha. umm i cant remember much from befor so im jus gonna start from 2 days ago
ok i slept ovr tonys house and we wer outside and anthony and tony broke a snapple bottle in the street and his uncle herd and we had 2 cleen it up and he sayd i couldnt sleep ova no more and i ahd nowhere to go and tony jus left and went outside neways and we went 2 lizas and talked 2 her outside her wiondow and eddy brought sum blankets and pillows and me and tony we gonna sleep outside of lizas house and we almost did it but we jus went back 2 tonys house and slept theree neways and the next day our boards wer missin and we couldnt find them so we ddnt skate at all, we jus kinda hung out and stuff and then umm. i dunno. went home and the next day tony kicks a basket ball and it hits our skateboards... they wer outside next 2 his house. dont no how they got their, but thats where they wer. so we skated and graham came ovr and umm. we skated and played ddr and then i left 2 go 2 ricks house then we went to the concert
the concert was awsome. the first band sucked ass and we couldnt wait for them 2 leave, but then the get up kids came on and they wer good. so i got their cd and i got a thrice shirt. then thrice came on at they wer awsommmmme. the singer guy played and acoustic version of stare at the sun. it was reely good. then dashboard confessional came on and i was expectin 2 be all like fuck whn is it gonna b ovr but it was pretty good actually and i only no like 2 of their songs. dashboard was on for like 1 1/2 hours. a long time but i had fun it was awsome.
thenw e slept ovr jens house and we had 2 come in thru the window bcuz her dad ddnt no we wer sleepin ovr. we had 2 b quiet. her dad was crippled so we ddnt think he would come in. i fell asleep erly. then woke up 2 her dad commin in and sayin hoo the fuck are these kids and stuff. but then we left and he called the cops and stuff but he sayd 2 the cops that it was ok now. and ricks dad picked us up and now im grounded bcuz i ddnt call my mom back last nite so she could talk 2 her dad and she says she was up all nite. and now im here listenin 2 music and umm hey look a penny