Another Movie Meme!

Aug 31, 2007 15:26

From sub_divided: go to and look up your ten favorite movies. Pick three Plot Keywords from each, then post the keywords along with these instructions, and see whether anyone else can guess the movies.

1. Playroom, New Year's Eve, Wealth
2. Statuette, Compulsive Liar, Homosexual Subtext
3. Whistling, Chalk, Mock Trial
4. Theater, Urban, Price Of Fame
5. 1810s , Based On Novel, Independent Film
6. Funny Nazi, Polish Resistance, Corpse
7. Dictator, Mirror, Sidecar
8. Hangover, Rio De Janeiro Brazil, Poison
9. Insane Asylum, Play Within Play, French Revolution
10. Record Store, Pop Music, Breaking The Fourth Wall

Come, people. Play, guess!

The answers:

1. Holiday (keelieinblack)
2. The Maltese Falcon (keelieinblack)
3. M (sub_divided)
4. All About Eve (keelieinblack)
5. Persuasion (sub_divided)
6. To Be or Not To Be (keelieinblack)
7. Duck Soup
8. Notorious (keelieinblack)
9. Marat/Sade (poisoninjest)
10. High Fidelity (lady_ganesh)

movies, meme, spam

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