Thanks! Merlin/Morgana is one of those sneaky pairings that just sort of crept up on me.
Boy with breasts indeed
She'd make such a fantastic prince and warrior. But because she's a woman people don't even have to listen to her, really, or take her all that seriously.
Absolutely! I keep waiting for that fic, the one with all the roles reversed by gender, where Morgana is the prince(ss) with the phallic swords and the mommy issues and Arthur's parents died when he was young and Nimueh is Gwen's confidante and mom-figure and Merlin is still the newbie in town who gets tossed to the frustrated Arthur by an equally frustrated Ygraine....
I really, really love that idea. Like crazy, actually. Couldn't Nimueh take Gaius' place as Merlin's mentor in morals-and-magic? And Merlin would be a girl, too, right?
Huh, I guess Nimueh could be Merlin's mentor. I was just thinking it would be a story primarily about Gwen and Morgana, with Arthur and Merlin heavily in the background. But a good mix would be interesting, too. There's a certain parallel - in the original, Merlin doesn't mention his father, and Gaius becomes his father-figure (though he does have a mother). Gwen's father is definitely in the show, but her mother is never mentioned, so the idea of a mother-figure for her might be interesting. Then again, there's no reason they can't share. ^_^
I hadn't thought of Merlin as a girl, but that might be fascinating in a politically reversed world, where women were dominant. Hmmmm...
(Omg, I can't believe you're encouraging me to actually think about this crazy thing!)
I think you could do it either way, a matriarchal world or flip the genders. And I could definitely see Gwen and Merlin sharing Nimueh as a mother/mentor figure. Nimueh gets such a raw deal in canon; it would be interesting to see her as someone who is flawed but not a villain (much as Gaius is in the series).
Especially this line: you man enough to let me?
You made me love this pairing. Boy with breasts indeed.
Boy with breasts indeed
She'd make such a fantastic prince and warrior. But because she's a woman people don't even have to listen to her, really, or take her all that seriously.
Absolutely! I keep waiting for that fic, the one with all the roles reversed by gender, where Morgana is the prince(ss) with the phallic swords and the mommy issues and Arthur's parents died when he was young and Nimueh is Gwen's confidante and mom-figure and Merlin is still the newbie in town who gets tossed to the frustrated Arthur by an equally frustrated Ygraine....
Sorry, went off a bit there. -_-;;;
I hadn't thought of Merlin as a girl, but that might be fascinating in a politically reversed world, where women were dominant. Hmmmm...
(Omg, I can't believe you're encouraging me to actually think about this crazy thing!)
Would magic be allowed, then?
*sends vibes of encouragement*
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