Oct 11, 2009 22:52
What are your views on gay/bisexual people?
they're people.
What stereotype do you think you fit into?
the drop-out student who hasn't quite dropped-out yet
What is your favourite colour(s)?
blue, and, all the others
What do you think about abortion?
Not much, guess I'll let you know
What types of music do you like to listen to?
anything that keeps a smile on my face
What do you do in your free time?
draw, drink, 'hang out', sleep, plan to do something better
What do you like about most people?
they're vulnerability
What do you dislike about most girls?
their needs
What do you dislike about most boys?
their hardwired instincts
What do you hate about yourself, if anything?
eh, thinking about hate. what's the point?
What would you do if you found a suitcase full of 9 million dollars?
Get it in pounds and set about doing everything I've ever wanted to do,
and thinking of more as i went along and my friends could buy really nice THINGS
What do you think will happen in 2012?
I will be one year older than in 2011
What do you like about the person you like?
little things, lots of them
What are your views on rap music?
If the message is good then the music will be good,
and vice versa.
The WHO's
Who would you trade places with for one day?
it'd just not be how i expect anyways
Who would you push off a cliff if you had the chance?
no-one. that's mean. I honestly don't know.
Who is your boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?
Who is your best friend?
the 3/4 people I hang out with on a mostly regular basis
Who is one person you really hate with a passion?
michael mcintyre, because he clapped himself
really though I don't know.
I don't have that much hate.
Only for situations not people.
Who are three celebs you'd like to kick in the face?
that's mean too.
I couldn't choose.
Who is someone you pretend to like?
I don't really do that.
I pretend to get on with lucas sometimes when
i find him very annoying but it's for The Greater Good.
Who do you think is a big creeper?
Who would you go to if you had a problem?
the doctor? yep, i'm that bad.
Who are 6 celebs you'd do anything to meet?
do anything and celebs do not go together
Who is your favourite relative?
I don't have one, that'd make them feel bad.
Jesus my empathy is through the roof today.
Who is one person you regret meeting?
I Don't Regret Meeting Anyone. except dev.
Where would you go if you got kicked out of your place?
Some place NEW, and different, like Norwich.
Or, more realistically, somewhere warm with a roof.
Where is one place you'd love to travel to?
not really bothered, want to go places
Where were you born exactly?
ipswich hospital, I could point out the window if you like?
Where is one place you would NEVER go to?
um, i have a bad feeling about texas?
Where is the weirdest place you went to sleep?
On my bathroom floor, in someone else's bathtub,
On my friend's landing, on their living room floor,
Almost in a hallway using an inflatable banana for a pillow.
and almost in a flower box.
not kidding.
next i must try upside down.
Where is your favourite place to hang out?
heh, depends
Where do you like to go to just be alone for a while?
it used to be my old garden. Now I don't have one.
probably why I'm so un-zen-ed.
Where is your boyfriend/girlfriend/crush?
yes i will keep answering like this
Where do you keep your old childhood memory items?
in nice boxes because i don't want to part with them.
Where is your favourite place to be?
you've already kinda asked me that
Where is the last place you hung out with a friend?
Hah, um, Outside college, at Sam's, then to the park,
then to Christchurch, then back to Sam's, then to Aidan's.
nice night.
Where on your body do you have a tattoo if any?
it's invisible : /
Where on your body do you have a piercing if any?
tongue, ears
The WHEN's
When have you felt most depressed in your life?
When have you been most happy in your life?
:) recently-ish.
some of last autumn and some of this summer
When do you like to just be by yourself?
mostly at home
When did you pop out of your mother? (Birthday)
haha 27th Dec
When did/do you want to move out of your parents house?
whenever i feel ready and have the money
(the money part being much harder to come by)
When did/are you going to graduate high school?
When did you get your first piercing if any?
year 6, I was a late starter
When do you think is a suitable age to die?
that's a fucking stupid question.
I suggest you go watch sliding doors like i did.
When do you think you will reach 'old' age?
um, atleast 50?
When do you you think you've hit rock bottom?
not yet : P
When would you scream out of nowhere?
I probably should but um, in the playground? haha
When did you first break a bone if ever?
in highschool playing hockey ¬_¬
When are you most happy?
when I'm happy. duh
When did school begin for you if you're still in school?
The WHY's?
Why do most teens hate school?
because there are far more important changes happening
in their lives at that time and half the things they teach
are bollocks and don't determine how you will live your life
or if you're a good person and they could better spend that
time teaching kids proper sex education so there aren't so many
prams clogging up my fucking town center! END RANT
Why are so many teens having sex/drinking/drugging already?
Because they're bored and we have no faith in them
and they want something to LIVE FOR
Why did Kanye do what he did to Taylor Swift?
hah, because he's a jackass. obvi.
and I'm sure Beyonce being Beyonce has something to
do with it as well.
Who do you think the Jonas Bros are gay, if you do?
that makes no sense, but who cares
Why is Twilight so over-rated?
because deep down every girl just wants a boyfriend who sparkles.
fucked if i know.
Why do so many people say your mom for nothing?
because your dad is just too weird
Why are you taking this survey?
because I feel lost and tired and bored
and unfullfilled and melancholy.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
to go eat at kfc. that's not my joke.
Why did you last write down what you did?
because it's what I felt like writing.
"And how do you FEEL about that?"
Why do you believe/not believe in God?
because it's nice to, in a non-dangerous way.
Why are you feeling the way you feel right now?
because I miss stuff.
and wouldn't have to if new awesome things would happen
Why do you dislike the music you dislike?
because I don't listen to it..it affects my smiley-face negatively?
not enough bass? :P
Why did you and your last ex break up?
because he was emotionally useless and hard to give affection to.
and not what i was looking for
Why did Stewie kill Lois? I didnt see the episode.
he didn't but he did, it was all a virtual simulation.
The HOW's
How have you been feeling lately?
How did you get your last bruise?
How are you and your most recent ex?
like strangers
How is your best friend if you have one?
heh, i think she's loved up, which is always good,
the rest are just doing what they can
How did you feel when Obama won the election?
How do you feel about drugs/smoking?
got any?
no, seriously, it depends which kind
How did the former giant man become skinny?
no. idea.
How did the whole 'dumb blonde' thing start?
some dumb blonde walked into a bar and everyone saw it?
Oh wait, no, they're all just in adult movies.
How do you feel about the Twilight series?
How do you like your eggs in the morning?
scrambled and seasoned with toast or
fried with seasoning in a toasted sammich :3
(I like mine with a kissss/huggggg)
How did you do on your last test/quiz/exam?
i passed, missed merit by a handful
How are your parents doing?
i think they're alright. I hope so anyways
How were you raised as a kid?
very well, most of the time : P
How was this survey?
good, thanks.
Thanks for taking my survey. :D
no problem, strange survey maker
End with some lyrics?
urm, that 'how do you like your eggs in the morning?'
song is now in my head. which is fine, but it holds
many many memories.
now i have 'Memories' in my head ¬_¬
Ugh, another one.
Do you have any friends who are on and off with bfs / gfs all the time?
yes, or i did
When was the last time you almost cried out of exhaustion?
heh, recently, but more frustration
What`s a TV show you hate missing?
peep show
Do you think it`s funny how people always say their pet is the best ever?
yeh, I can safely say that ours isn't. (no offense dog)
When did you last brush your teeth?
this morning
What was the last website [besides this one] that you visited?
begins with face...possbily ends in novel, or book
Do you have a friend who you think you`ll be best friends with forever?
i hope so
Does it annoy you when you accidentally delete things?
What`s a movie / book / TV show / band / whatever you highly recommend?
The Dresden Dolls, and the like
When did you last use a dictionary / thesaurus?
*shrug* pc spellchecker is used plenty
Are you anticipating or dreading anything?
both in equal measure. Or i wanna be.
If someone could randomly give you something right now what would you like?
a shoulder massage or someone to do my college work for me.
(obviously not my fun personal work, that's allll mine)
What`s the most annoying thing in the world?
having to do pointless things at a deadline for NO MONEY
I'm totally willing to sell my soul if I at least got PAID
(kidding! kidding!)
traffic jams are fucking annoying too.
When did you last use one of those water slides you put on hills?
yeeears ago
What are you sitting on right now?
a chair
What skills would you like to learn / develop?
too tired to think of skills
What is something other people say you`re good at but you think you`re not?
too tired to know things
What does your bedside lamp look like?
don't have a lamp
What did you last take a photograph of?
last night's park 'break in' weirdness
such a pretty night sky
When was the last time you got really frustrated with technology?
like, yesterday, fecking technology!
wouldn't we be better off without it? (probably not)
What was the last funny thing someone said to you?
Heh, many things from last night including from Sherman
Who taught you to tie your shoelaces?
my nans I remember helped
What was the last thing you bought?
drink, and a pound worth of a burger
Do you want to move to somewhere else? If so, where?
no idea
What time is it where you are?
midnight plus 20 minutes, gah.
What`s your favourite picture of yourself as a child?
there are a few that i have fond memories attatched
which make them favourites
Do you like your neighbours?
I don't know them, like real neighbours
but yeh they seem fine
Does your room need cleaning?
it's messy, but I did clean it yesterday so it's much better
just need more ROOM
Do you have a good relationship with your family?
most of the time
What is something people are surprised to hear about you?
many things, many more that need not have utterance
Do you make judgements about people straight after meeting them?
sure, i'm human
What time counts as a lie-in for you?
any bloody time after 9
Do you hate any particular groups of people?
no, unless they hate me
Do you fall up or down stairs usually?
hah, more likely up
Do you constantly break things? [By mistake or otherwise]
no, i'm not clumsy i just have No balance
What was the last bug you saw?
no clue, a buggy...kind..of..bug
Are there any smells which make you feel nauseous?
well yeh, the usual kinds
What is the scariest thing you`ve ever gone through?
pfft, like I'd tell you
Do you have anything unusual in your bag?
um, maybe?
Can you never think of anything to put for survey tags?
I cba with taking them properly
Are there any people you know in real life that you only talk to online?
sort of, we just don't run in the same circles anymore. tis life.
Do you think people who don`t care about education are dumb?
It depends how much they don't care,
if they never ever go and have no want to learn things, then, maybe.
If they're just scared about all that testing and judging and comparing
and have more important things going on in their life,
then maybe not.
What`s your favourite key on a keyboard?
do not have
Do you always finish what you start?
Who`s your favourite character from The Simpsons? Or do you hate that show?
I don't, but they kind of blur into one Simpson-type ball. So, them all.
Have you ever had any friends who always tried to steal your things?
hah, nope
except those pesky racoons.
When was the last time you had a complete live revamp?
when I came back from glastonbury, and It Was Awesome.
So now I need another one.
What is something you will never understand?
politics and government money things
just the way they like it.
When did you last laugh hysterically?
last night at the kettle-throwing-ness.
good times