
(no subject)

Oct 29, 2004 03:30

Man, what a day. First, I helped my gf to move out. She has switched appartments. I spent the day moving out her stuff. It was fun. Later, I started my D&D campaign with some of my friends. It was pretty cool. I have 6 players and the first game rocked. There was no fight but it was still cool, just intense RP. After the game, Charles came back at my home, and we decided to go out at 1am. We went at L'Ozone, Le Pub and Le Palladium. Each was place was boring. But in the Palladium parking, some guys started to fight and argue and because we bitched thm, two of them came to us and punched us in the face. Drunk as I was (am) I didn't felt anything. We just laughed at us and they went away. It was so weird!?!

It was the first time of my life I was really hit hard in the face. It was cool I think.
Ok, time to go elimnate the alcohol in my blood in my bed. Bonne nuit tout le monde.

Note to Arielle : I was never that happy to see blood. I hope you see what I mean.
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