
Aug 20, 2006 12:32's sunday already. Havent really done much this weekend,had lots of plans, but my mood has been crappy, so i figured i shouldn't bother people that much. I have read a bit in my new books, it is interesting, but at the same time a bit boring. And I tried to write somethings, but when i had written about two pages, i decided it was crappy, and deleted it! So,now 've to start over...blah... I wanna sleep some more! I spent over 2 hours on the phone last night,,Guess my mom wont be very happy when we get the feels like im gonna get a zit on my nose..just what i need! weeha!!! Manybe listening to some music will cheer me up...or not...Im trying to check when i have a day off..i know ive written it all down..but cant find it...hmm...there it is
Has to be september i think..sept. have the day off...thats a wednesday.. maybe i can go to oslo then? If i get a job that is... Kinda short on money..but ill figure something out!
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