my secret dream

Apr 22, 2008 18:46

i dont change my layout so it's only a change in banner too lazy to find a new layout.

i can't believe im admitting this but ever since i was a little bitch girl, i would constantly say to myself that 'i want to be a microphone' whenever i watch tv and there's a hot boy/man[yeaaaaaaahhhh i loved the hot men 5,7,10 years older than me even back then] who's singing or just speaking with a microphone.i mean c'mon, they were like kissing the microphone and gaaaaaaaaaah that just made me insanely jealous of the microphone.

AND NOW, there's David Cook who clutches the microphone like he's embracing his lover(V. Horiuchi of Utah Newspaper). GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH, there, whenever i will see my new banner, i'll remember my dream of being reincarnated as a microphone.EPIC.

b_gatan b_gatan b_gatan

david cook, banner, microphone, reincarnation, dream

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