anybody here who has watched Lucky Star?
lol.this anime is so cccccccccccccccccuuuteeeeee, weird, funny, super random and just strange at the same the opening song and the dance reflects how HIGH the characters are.XD
akira flipping off the audience.HAHAHAHA.this anime is so cool.
i really like konata and akira.hahaha!!konata is so me.and akira is just ameyjing.her split personality is just pure crack.XD it has no story.really.but i love the know me, the random lover.i really loved the episode where konata sang the DBZ opening song in the karaoke.CHALA!HEAD CHALA!~ XDDDD it might not be one of the best animes i've ever watched but it does make me laugh like a moron,very amusing.
oh, and i just found out, they made a live action porn version of Lucky my innocent crack is corrupted. TT_______TT