hi.hello.what's up.yo.owrayt.

Nov 07, 2007 17:31

im dead still alive.^^

it's only the 3rd day of classes but man am i tired when i get home.i don't really know why.the REAL work hasnt even started yet...and omg, if i tell you what stuff i'll be doing for this sem..man...to summarize it... I WILL DIE.seriously.

i'm very much active in my real life but in my blog i'm not.T____T i rarely am on msn for a month now.i havent talked with you guys for such a long time.it's just that i have lots of things in my hands, so messed up that i can't even follow my time management.distractions here and there.... TT___TT well not really distractions, there are just some new things that i'm not really used to so i find it hard to balance school work,social life, life, whatever other life, and net life[which includes getting updated on my fandoms...MARU I MISS YOUUUUUU]. T^T

but im happy.^^ that's all that i can say for now.

and oh! i forgot to tell you guys..i don't have a camera anymore.

damn, update, life, school, ugh, tired

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