Oct 20, 2007 07:48

WAHAHAH!!! sembreak, woohoo!!! first week of sembreak has been verrrrry fun, not to mention expensive, XDDD. for this week, i went out with my high school friends, then with my college friends. it's so fun when you don't have anything to think about other than resting, having fun and just spending money.XDDDD my mom and dad aren't complaining anyway, thank God.today, i still have to go back to school though to get my report card for principles of mass comm. i wish i get a high grade *crosses fingers* oh!!! good news, i got an A for film appreciation and economics!!yay!!! the others were b+ and b. if i get b- i'm so gonna hate it.we don't have A+ as a grade, yeah, sucks..the highest is A.then later tonight i'll be transforming into an elegant 'lady' and wear a beautiful red long gown..LOL, i'm going to a debut party.

btw, next week... i'm going on a vacation..a very sudden unexpected vacation!XDD when i got home last night my mom just suddenly told me to go to Iloilo.LOL.i didn't even had a chance to refuse[duh, like i'd refuse an offer like that]. though i was having second thoughts about it because i intended to rest for the whole week next week.i'll be bringing kenzou with me of course, i can't live without kenzou.i haven't been there for like...a century so i'm really excited about it.

one more thing, we just found out that we won't be deblocked.another THANK GOD moment!
but the best thank God moment for this week is that me and my friend are now in good terms.THANK GOD!!!!!!!!

friends, iloilo, vacation, college, school, grades

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