love for babies

Sep 30, 2007 00:52

future heartthrob
Originally uploaded by renai shashin last night, we celebrated my dad's 50th birthday. since this is one of those very rare opportunities for us to celebrate his birthday when he is actually with us[he's always out of the country], my mom called up everyone in the turned out to be a birthday celebration and a family reunion at the same time. most of the guests were our relatives from the father side because those of my mom's are in far away places while my dad's are just around the manila area.

my cousins were also there, the younger ones. those of my age were too busy so they couldn't make it. i was assigned with the task of taking pictures of the guests,i agreed of course, i love doing those kind of things.there were three kids who i couldn't stop taking pictures of, one of them is this very cute little boy. his smile was really cute!!! i bet this kid will grow up to be a heartthrob someday, i can't wait to see him after 20 god, i'll probably be a mother myself by that time.

i was watching KBS this afternoon where they had a segment about two mothers setting up their kids. the little boy was confined in a hospital because he broke his arm or something. they left the little girl with the boy to eat the food. they got really close in just a few minutes that i was all 'awwwwwwwww, that is so sweet!!!'..considering the little boy named Juhwan looked a lot like Yoochun!XDD when it was time for Minju, the little girl, to go..Juhwan showed how upset he was. But Minju kissed his plastered arm that made Juhwan smile and finally say 'I LOVE YOU' to her before she could close the door. he said it to her for 3 times i think. awwwwwwwww, i wish i had a childhood love story like that!

i wonder how it feels like to have a baby? i can't wait.
but first, i have to wait for the future daddy of my future baby.

babies, birthday

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